Catalog Mesh Issue


The LimitedU catalog item created by Roblox Duke of the Fallen Federation has a mesh bug in which the tiny star at the top of the crown is not visible when viewed from behind. See images below:

As an owner of this rare limited item, I’d love to see it fixed (people always treat it as a “lesser” Federation series hat because of this). Thank you for your consideration!


This is because the creator of this item forgot to model the back of the star, so the star has no thickness in this place and the other side of the face is always transparent in Roblox. It’s a pity that someone forgot about it, I don’t mind transparency when these parts of the model are covered by something, but this star is visible from both sides.


Yeah I suspected this may be the issue, I take it that’s the mesh directly from the game by the looks of it? Hopefully it can be fixed, I’ve seen UGC fixes going around for it but would really rather not go down that path lol

Hello -

Few months later and it appears the bug is persisting.
It appears users have taken matters into their own hands but a proper mesh would be nice.
Any possibility of a fix soon?


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Any updates? Bug persisting 174 days later… I don’t think it’s that difficult of a fix…