Banded Top Hat series has broken shading

The player count of Roblox hit a peak and steady uprise from 2020-2024… This design of the Tophats is what the “majority” of players would know and love by now. I’m not even saying this because I think either one is better, I just can foresee complaints about this being changed

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As much as I hate to admit that the current shading is an unintentional bug, the broken shading on these top hats makes them distinguishable from the copious amounts of UGC knockoffs of them that aren’t straight meshrips. They stand out for this reason and I personally believe the mesh on these classics shouldn’t be touched at all. As for the texture bleeding getting fixed, now that’s something I can get behind.


Roblox is clearly receptive to complaints as they reverted the headphones. So if it was totally terrible (I doubt this correction would ruin it) , then they would likely reverse it

I know what the definition of bug is and I know how 3d models work.
If you want to act smart, you should know that there’s no bug with the accessories. The shading looks bad but that’s not a bug.

What is happening there is a few shifted normals which haven’t been reset to look good.

The item clearly works as intended, because that’s how it was made.

If you would like to know what would be considered a bug, that’s 3D models with a face that has over 5 vertices, causing some of it’s triangles to not be rendered. That would be considered a bug because the artist intended for the item to have all faces visible, despite few of them not being rendered because of roblox’s engine.

Anyways, posts like these just clutter the devforum. There’s no performance issue and they shouldn’t be reported unless there’s major issues caused by the item. Few normals shifted in this model wouldn’t change a thing about roblox’s performance, therefore the change is useless.


Dude, are you serious? Although I agree with it, this report is a stretch.

Most of the people who say that items having imperfections makes it have a classic charm are now mad about OP trying to make this item look classic, which is funny. The original owners bought it without the artifacts as-well, which is also a common argument. Do you think they bought it for how it looks now?

You can never win.


I can’t believe this gets posted, but my actual bug involving an Accessory mesh goes ignored. Lol


I obviously don’t speak for everyone who was in Post Approval, but I’m fine with how the Approved Top Hat looks right now. There’s no compelling reason why it should change.

Then again, I am not likely to wear it anyway and it’s just a trophy piece to me. If someone is actively wearing it, they should get more of a say than me.


^ Please read all my replies I’ve drafted multiple reasons than just broken design is classic


Ok. It still isn’t how the item was intended to be and not what the original owners bought it for. I can easily make the same argument and say that a majority of buyers had it pre-2020, as it has existed longer. A user spike really has nothing to do with people buying the item.

There’s no way to know, but either way, the item was not intended to look like this and will look cleaner and classic if this was implemented.

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Eh, dont mind this update at all. Used to look cool, still looks cool.

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“Broken shading” that’s the equivalent of saying “Fix the shine on clockwork headphones” It’s obviously intended and I would hate for the classic tophat series to be tampered with… :confused:


It isn’t as the issue didn’t exist prior to Roblox’s lightning change in 2020. This update would make it More classic.


I feel like actual item issues need to be addressed and posted rather than “ouuuh old mesh is shade wrong durrrrr”. There’s plenty of issues wrong with older items (e.g. the bleeding tophat texture), and it would be a shame to see this change to such an old item that was clearly intentional. The newer tophats were made more recently hence a new mesh.


I forgot they used to look like that! The PBTH was my hat of choice in 2008 and I definitely prefer the classic look over the new sweaty/wet-looking appearance it has.


This is how the original item looked, and how the item should currently look. People seem to be up in arms about this, due to the recent events with the WCHPS. That being said, Roblox items should be shaded smooth, and this would address that. This is a situation where we are restoring an item to its original appearance. I also think its a little nonsensical to try and weigh problems with different items. The goal is for all items with problems to be fixed, not just the most pertinent ones.


Instead of resetting all the shading and making the tophat look weird. I suggest instead doing what I did in this video and still having the overall shading the same except for the top as it makes it look more like the old tophats used to look. (See below)



I second this, at least could be a better compromise than completely changing the item


This is incorrect.


The WCHPS incident shouldn’t be used as a comparison to EVERYTHING, especially when it makes the item BETTER and cleaner when using it.


It seems this devforum post wasn’t included in this post so I will link it here:

Read it.

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It’s not “clearly intentional” as up until July 2020, it didn’t have this issue. Roblox made an update which broke it less than 5 years ago.