Caustics Effect (Optics)

I’m not sure whether this has been done before so I’m just gonna post it here

I found a way to create fake underwater caustics in Roblox through a method similar to Gobos, what do you guys think?
Light Caustics Demo - Roblox Studio 2022-08-08 21-01-54 - Video Link

I used Roblox’s water texture normal map, set the part’s transparency to 1 and the texture’s transparency to 0.4, I also put the shadow softness to 1 to make it look a little faded. And don’t forget to set the lighting technology to future to make the shadows work.

EDIT: I have finally added where the light also reflects to walls (it is in horrible angle because I don’t know anything about math lol) Light Caustics Demo - Roblox Studio 2022-08-09 15-11-16, and aside from that I have also added caustics to semi transparent glass balls Light Caustics Demo - Roblox Studio 2022-08-09 16-03-25


insanely super duper cool well done good sir

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Excellent work!!!..there was a post i read before where someone wanted help with this exact thing… let me see if i can find it.

Edit: Yes here it is @H3kken :

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I’m still working on a way to make the light also bounce off to the wall so yeah I don’t think I might be able to help the person with it at the moment but hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to find a way.

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Its one step closer than anyone else got!! I got faith in you lol.

I finally found a way to do so using Lighting:GetSunDirection(), although it looks janky because of very shard edges of the shadow but there’s nothing I can do about it. The post is updated you can see the video links for the showcase of new stuff I added.


How in the world did you get the sphere to work?! All I could figure was, you have a visible sphere and an invisible sphere. The invisible sphere has the caustic texture, and is aligned with a billboard effect.

Quite simple actually, I just use a spotlight for the invisible sphere and make it track the sun’s direction then making the light fade away whenever it reaches night time. Though with object’s that have complicated shapes such as a bottle or jar I still have no plans on how to mimic the way light refracts/reflects from it but hopefully soon I will be able to find a way or Roblox implements these features into the graphics because these optic tricks really mesmerize me.


How are you getting robloxs water normal map? And are you saying you just have a transparent brick above the water with a decal on it of the normal? Then you add a light and it all works? I’d love to see a demo Roblox word I can download to take a more in depth look at this if you don’t mind because I don’t fully understand it.


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tremendously sorry for the late response (lol), was on a pause from roblox studio. i got the water normals through the game’s assets located in the app’s location, no I placed the brick below the water, added the light and made the light follow the sun’s direction to accurately do the thing idk been a while since the last time i touched on this material.

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No problem. Do you still have the file for this? I would love to take a look around since I am working on a game demo, and a good bit will involve underwater bits.

Thanks ^.^

i’ll see if i still have it, been a while since i last touched/made changes to it so i’m not really sure if i still have the place file or not.


Hello caustics Effect Im working on a game that is completely underwater and I was wondering if you were able to explain the mechanics of the underwater light ripples on the floor or how you managed to achieve this affect