CellShade outline on R15 blocky character?

Does anyone know of a script that does this or how you would go about creating it?
I found a video that does it on a R6 character,
Outline Character (roblox studio) - YouTube.
But after trying for a while I have no idea how I would apply it to an r15 blocky character.
And also this post which has both R15 and R6, but I still have no idea how to apply it.
R15 and R6 Cel Shading
Any feedback would help.


Bump! Iā€™m also curious as to how I should go about this. I believe some anime games duplicate players meshparts then invert the neon black mesh by scaling it negatively (usually around -1.05).

Hope this helped a bit, have you found any other ways of doing it that would allows players to keep their avatars rig?

TheIt is created from inverted meshparts, I mean that their normals are upside down. Therefore you will not see the front face but the back face and so on whenever you turn to see the piece.
How to apply it?
The way I know that this can be done is to reverse the normal ones in Blender (a 3D modeling program) but I do not know if it will be possible within roblox studio to write the size of the meshpart in negative.

Already with the piece you will only have to weld the meshpart to the part of the body that corresponds to it

Try this and send me a picture of the result, graceTry this and send me an image of the result.

I forgot to comment that this is only possible with mesh parts, do not try this using normal blocks.

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i would instance a mesh inside a part instance and make its size negative as you cant make a part/meshpart size negative and then, resize everything to look like an outline and then weld