Certain Avatars Fail to Load In Avatar Editor Preview

Expected behaviour: When initially opening the Avatar Editor on the Xbox Client, I should see my characters avatar on the right-hand side of the screen. Additionally, when selecting any avatar, I should see the preview change to that of the one that I selected.

Actual behaviour: When initially opening the Avatar Editor on the Xbox Client, my avatar appears to not load in, only a shadow of where the character would be. Additionally for some of my outfits, the preview continues to not appear at all, though with others it does.

Bellow is a video showing the bug in full;

Issue Area: Xbox Client
Impact: Minor
Frequently: Appears to only affect R6 avatars; All my R15 avatars load as expected

On a side note a little mini-bug to attach to this main issue, I cannot select this avatar to wear and the name continuously just attempts to load.
Issue Area: Xbox Client
Impact: Minor
Frequently: Only appears specific to this avatar, though happens whenever I access the avatar editor via Xbox Client.


I’ve experienced various issues with things failing to loading. Game icons, avatars, etc. I think it might be something system wide with loading things on Xbox. Anyhow, I have experienced this issue too.


Bumping this. It’s been nearly 20 days since I initially sent this report and it doesn’t appear that has been recognized yet. Again I’ll reiterate the basics when entering Avatar Creator if the Avatar is R6 the Avatar preview will not show same applies when you switch from R15 Avatar toR6

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Hey, sorry to be nudging this post constantly but this along with a few other of my reports appear to have not been acknowledged. Previously it only appeared to happen with R6 avatars but now it appears the failure of loading avatars expands further to avatars using certain UGC bodies. For example I am using the Mini Blocky UGC body to make a miniature version of my avatar and it fails to load in.

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After initial testing of the new Xbox client, it appears that the issue no longer occurs.

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