Certain DataStore keys repeatedly triggering "Exhausted all retries for key" error, unable to save

Earlier today, I noticed a massive spike of “Exhausted all retires for key” errors.

The error is 508: Exhausted all retries for key: %s HTTP 0 (HTTP 429 (HTTP/1.1 429 ))

Upon further investigation, I noticed that very few users were being affected by this very large number of errors. Then, I received this report from a player:

This player is repeatedly getting this error on one of their save files, and it appears to be specific to his key.


This error appears to be dependent on the key that was inputted, and it fires for attempts to both load and save player data:

This error has appeared in both Vesteria and Miner’s Haven, the latter of which hasn’t had any update to its DataStore code for months.


Some people have also been posting about this here, adding link for reference:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: “508: Exhausted all retries for key: %s string” datastore error happens when I haven’t gone over my limits

Going to turn the existing support thread into a bug report, see there for further discussion + staff responses