Why hello! You have found the guide on,
How you can achieve promotion to MR at Chanel & Co!
This guide will provide you with the Ten steps to becoming an MR, including some tips for MR Applications.
- Join the Group, and become a trainee by applying at our application centre! You should find that all questions will be on the game. So join the game and take some time to look around to understand everything!
- Join the communications server, and get trained by a “Senior Barista”+; Once you’re trained you can now proceed to be a Cashier! You will then have to work the point system to get automatically promoted to Barista.
- Working hard as a barista or cashier you can receive a promotion to the senior version of your current position, however, you can actually apply when applications come out. You’re more likely to do applications that be promoted but never say never.
- Ensure you follow all the requirements and that you are ready to apply! Once you’ve read all of that, you can proceed with taking the application. We specialise in deep detail and a good amount of Grammar and Punctuation. Find some time to write it out on a google document and then add it to the app. You can use spelling correctors.
- Read your entire application around 3 to 4 times to ensure you have put that extra detail in. Once you’re confident; send your application into us! Our HRs/SHRs actually have no access to the system until they read it, therefore if you want to ensure it went through, DM a Executive Manager.
This is so they can’t pre-read staff members’ applications
- You now must simply wait until the reading begins, there will be a little indicator showing how the progress is going! You must not ask about your app during this time, and if you find HRs discussing anything about them you must report it to an SHR+.
Let me clarify if they give you tips about the questions. Report.
If they give you basic tips which can help you personally. Don’t Report.
If they tell you the status or score on an application. Please Report.
- Announcement day will be dated, you are expected to attend if you did apply. If you didn’t you can still come.
Wear something nice, come down and you should find a group of HRs and SHRs to present the results.
- You will be brought to the auditorium, and you will then be split into the groups of who actually applied and who are spectating.
If you move from your seat you will be moved back once, if you continue you will be frozen standing up at the back. Don’t be that person
- The leading SHR picked to announce the results of the MR Applications will start their presentation, going over firstly how everyone did, a little tease of the highest scoring person and some useful information.
- They will then list the applicants, usually 8-10 users. This will be done by giving a feature about the users’ avatar and for the crowd to guess. They will then be announced one by one! Providing some fun for the crowd and MRs.
If you didn’t pass it’s okay! Honestly, it’s not the end of the world and you have the chance to retry and do 10x better. I would recommend that you congratulate the passers and after the HR’s will have to stay to take photos, you can ask any on the results of your application and some tips to do better.
The questions are changed every batch, so no you can’t cheat!
Tips for MR Applications
Use a good amount of Grammar.
Pre-read all your answers for the questions.
Ask HRs on how to ensure your app is detailed.
Don’t rush , perfection takes time.
Make sure you’re up to working hard for the next years to come!
Work on your mistakes.
Don’t discredit anyone just because you couldn’t get accepted.
Most of all, GOOD LUCK!