Change idle animation in script

I want to change animation instantly using scripting without needing to walk.
You can see the issue in a video here.
Look at output too

This is the script that I have tried.:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");

local Character = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character;

local Debounce = false;

game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, Process)
	if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then
		if Debounce == false then
			Debounce = true;
			Character:WaitForChild("Animate"):WaitForChild("idle"):WaitForChild("IdleAnim").AnimationId = "rbxassetid://11484555705";
			print("Changed Animation");
			Debounce = false;
			Character:WaitForChild("Animate"):WaitForChild("idle"):WaitForChild("IdleAnim").AnimationId = "";

If this is not clear, you can ask me more at comment.


i think that you can make the player plays the idle animation, something like this:

local animation ='Animation', ...)
local animator = playerHumanoid.Animator

animation.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://' -- your idle id

animation = animator:LoadAnimation(animation)

OBS: Don’t put the animation looped! May cause some bugs on walking.


Just Copy the Animate from the Player and put it into StarterCharacterScripts (Get it while testing)

Example of my Character while testing:
Screenshot (51)

After placing your LocalScript safely outside of testing,
Change it to your desired Animation within the Values: (In your case: Idle)
Screenshot (52)

Screenshot (53)

So when testing, there wont be duplicates of Animate thankfully!

I hope this helps.

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Thank you for your comment, but this is not what I meant. I meant that Idle animations only played when tools were equipped.

Seriously? You wanted to make tool or what?

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Yes! I want to make when I equip a tool and change idle animation

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