script.Parent.Changed:Connect(function (Value)
print("detected server side")
This is in a server script, it’s parent is a numbervalue, and the value & script are cloned by another script. The function will not run no matter what, I have no clue what the issue is.
Then if you’re waiting for the ancestry to change .Parent.Changed would not fire most likely. You could remove the lines below it and replace it with whatever function you have to perform.
That part is there because the script gets cloned and added to the player, so I want the .Changed function to be added only when the Money value has already been cloned
script.AncestryChanged:Wait() is to wait for the value & script to be cloned script.Parent.Changed will run every time the Money value is changed (the script will fire a client event to edit a money GUI every time the money value is changed)