Changes to the Games Sort Order

Even if that poll does get a hundred votes or whatever that’s nowhere NEAR the sample size of the entire devforum nor the entire Roblox platform. It is very rash to consider it the “majority” of users not liking the update. Show me the majority.

If they wanted to voice their opinion, they would have done it here anyways. If your opinion doesn’t get counted: Tough luck my friend.

Also, when you have a 91% majority, I heavily doubt that adding more devs to the size would make them like this “Update” more. In fact, as more devs voted, it got changed in favor of not liking this update.

Also, no accusations here, but you seem a bit biased because you’re a featured game developer.

91% majority of 30 people?

That doesn’t seem like a good sample size to get reliable data from.

And on the bias, not really. I’m personally not a huge fan of the change. I just like to make sure data is unbiased and reliable.
Plus, my time on the featured sort was over a year ago.

Yes, it doesn’t seem like a good sample size, but if you took 10000 random people in the world( from anywhere), and 9,999 agreed on something, you would believe that most of the world would, even though the ratio of 10000:7 billion is probably greater than 33:a few thousand.

btw sorry for calling you biased that was fake

Go find ten thousand people to take your poll and then I’ll take your remark about the “majority” a bit more seriously.

30 something people is no where near an adequate sample size for millions.

Ten thousand is a smaller part of 7 billion than 33 is a part of the devforum, yet the ten thousand part would easily be accepted. I heavily doubt that there were randomly like 30 people who stumbled on that poll and were anti-update, and most of the pro-update players managed to not see that specific post.

also i heavily doubt there are millions on the devforum. i actually doubt there are over 20k

I never said millions on the devforum. I said thousands on the devforum and millions more on the platform.

Argurably the players opinions regarding this change matter more than the developers.

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Yeah, but sadly the developers can only vote on polls. The regular player should be accounted for, but Roblox doesn’t really give us a method to poll them

Then its not fair to say that the majority of Roblox doesn’t like the change unless you have the facts to back it up.

I honestly meant the majority of the devforum, but you’re right on the fact that we can’t efficiently tell if the majority of Roblox agrees with the change. I honestly think they should have more of a voice

Their voice consists of the data. Very simply, if they don’t play the games, this change won’t remain. Everything Roblox does is done with the data in mind. This wasnt a rash change that was made on a whim overnight.

Can we get an ETA on when this test is going to end? This is absolutely slaughtering my revenue and game visibility.


I really hope that the players have more intelligence than to just move to whatever some dude at Roblox tells them to play so that we can finally end this nonsense.

I think the whole idea of this change was to give the players more visible options. If anything, this will diversify the playerbase on Roblox and improve the platform as a whole by prompting rises out of ‘generally’ smaller games. Which in turn promotes more development - more updates - more players - more revenue.

“Visible Options”. The players (through the actions of their other players) already have a section that most of them like, but it is moved down to the 5TH SLOT because some dudes at Roblox wanted the players to play whatever the admins wish.

BTW: Why does everyone preach smaller games? The top games are up there because players like them. Smaller games are good, but this is not the way to support them. You don’t support smaller games by killing the bigger ones. That’s horrendous logic.

Edit: made “some dude” plural


I don’t really like how you are referencing “some dude”. Roblox works in teams. There is a corporate structure. There is no “one dude” making decisions, especially ones like this. It is a data driven team decision.

And diversity is good. It allows for more growth. If we keep shoving the same few games down players throats they eventually get tired of them. We’ve been seeing a massive reduction in max playercount in recent months. Meepcity peaked at 170,000 concurrent (i think) about a year ago now. And since then we’ve only seen games break 100k concurrent a few times. I don’t really know how this applies but it’s probably an effort to diversity the visibility of games and allow for greater choice of the end user to promote and prompt platform, and game growth.

Edit: I misspoke as you referenced “some dudes” instead of “some dude”. But my point remains regardless.

And they will play something different, making the other players play it too, and making a new popular game.

Maybe those trolls from 2015 who said Roblox will die were actually right.

Maybe that’s because players are more split over a diverse range of games due to the featured section.

Only like 10k or 15k people play the featured games. That’s nothing to scoff at, but 170,000 - 15,000 is 155,000. The featured section existed before. This is just the hype around Roblox slowing down.

or maybe all the horrendous updates are killing it?

This has also been destroying my revenue, and my plans and base for everything. It would’ve been nice to have been notified of this change so we all could’ve been better prepared.

I honestly think this was poorly rolled out especially for those reliant on roblox for income and lively-hood. Seemed a bit too out-of-touch with Developers and the community on this one.