Changes We’re Making as The Digital Services Act (DSA) Takes Effect

They aren’t rolling out anything new globally. They are just saying they already have some of these features in place (not nearly to the extent they should be, though).


That’s unfair, a x6 extension? Support times aren’t the best and sometimes I’m away.

At least give the rest of us 2 months?

Other than that it’s fine

I don’t think thats fully true…


Sorry lads, no EU membership means no nifty DSA rights for you.

If you haven’t realized it already, this platform only does the bare minimum for its user audience. And when it does something, it’s because it’s made to do it.

An altruistic business is like a needle in a haystack. They are almost non-existent. For those businesses that do care about their customer base, they sure aren’t named Roblox Corp.

They don’t.

How do you figure that conclusion? Roblox’s past record on doing things for her user base or audience isn’t exactly promising.


I don’t think x9’ing the Premium Payouts, and giving devs some Robux after the Oct 2021 incident is ‘the bare minimum’



Roblox users located in the European Union have the right to escalate moderation decisions to certified out-of-court dispute settlement systems. In other terms, an arbitration platform.

Yet when I read section 9 of the Terms Of Use, subsection Appendix C, Roblox states they aren’t willing to cooperate in such a scheme.


I’m well aware that the word alternative is used in the text. I suspect that clause has something to do with Roblox’s declared unwillingness. Yet because I am not omniscient, I am left guessing what Roblox actually intends. As the above-quoted texts feel contradictive to me.

Please do clarify

Source needed :man_shrugging:


Source needed, source given.

I haven’t seen anything about them lowering it, though.


Roblox is a publicly traded company which means it’s only allowed to make profitable decisions. Doing nice things for developers means that roblox has to try harder to make its platform more developer oriented, which is not necessarily the most profitable way to do things. Here we see them spending extra money to make sure that they are only compliant within the EU, probably because they don’t want a track record of doing good things for free.



What does Roblox mean by certified? In addition, which Dispute settlement systems in particular is Roblox referring to?


It can fairly obviously be deduced from the post. If there was no cost difference or other significant performance-related deficit to doing this for all users, obviously Roblox would apply it to all users across the board. It’s inconvenient to run two different processes for different users after all. It doesn’t make sense to do this voluntarily just for the sake of it.

Basically this reads as “the EU is adding some difficult/expensive rules and we’re doing this for EU users because we have to”.

It’s not like anybody at the company would have seen this and went like “yup this is great, ship it” if there was no cost difference.


Nice, now do this for all developers outside of the EU, it feels a little backhanded to not receive these bare minimum benefits


the EU always better at everything smh

would be nice if you implemented these changes globally, its a huge improvement to the platform just to be only limited to certain region


Why make this only available to EU users? Why should I, as someone who is based in the UK (and thus no longer a part of Europe, thanks a lot Brexit! /s) have 5 months less to appeal moderation decisions, compared to someone who does reside in Europe?

With these two quotes - Does this mean that EU-based users will get more transparency surrounding moderation actions…? Will there be a difference? Or will everyone, regardless of location be able to get more transparency? I also find it interesting how the 1st quote mentions “whether automated processes were involved in detecting/taking action on their content” - I wouldn’t be surprised if a good portion of moderation is carried out by AI and not humans, given how overtly strict moderation has been of late.


It is (mostly) done by AI, like asset moderation. Game moderation, appealing for Roblox support, and some more are human done because theres less being sent and uploaded there.


Alright. Let’s get this out of the way. As an old roblox user and EU citizen. If this law never happened Roblox kept the moderation system for sure. EU forcing their hand did not have to happen this way. This issue has been there for a long time and we asked them to address it for a very long time. Hopefully EU citizens are the testers to expand this transparancy system to the rest of the world. EU W.


Such a flattering, original and amusing response…

Jokes aside, yeah, I know this won’t lead anywhere.


Big companies like apple and roblox love doing just the bare minimum so its no suprise its europe only




This isn’t about altruism. This about getting your money’s worth. Roblox already spent the money and manpower to build the tech to be compliant with DSA rules, so why don’t they get their money’s worth? Expand it to all users and get the most bang for your buck.

It has nothing to do with caring about your customers. It’s about using the tech you’ve built. There’s no additional cost to roll it out to all users.


That specific part really sparked me. Why are we all not given insight to these things as well. Before I got verified I was getting 2-3 false moderations a month I assume were from automated moderations from false reports on my account as a popular creator I had to keep appealing. I think it should be universal also as it’s not fair and I think we all would like to know if our moderations were actual things vs automated instead of made to look 100% human in official documentation when the things we are moderated for a lot of the time in my case are not valid. So it’s either their moderators are not trained properly or incompetent or it’s automated with a lot of the moderation process. I have had way to many obviously false moderations in my time on Roblox to not get any real information about how they came to those decisions.


Thank you Roblox. :eu::eu::eu:
That are very nice changes.
I love it.
Do we get a new report menu then too?

W Roblox
GG Roblox

But yea, the others are right, why don’t you do it like Microsoft and do the EU right as Standart?