Changing username invalidates any previous mentions of the old username

In this post, you can see the mention/link for @colbert2677 at the end is still active despite leading to a 404 page. This user changed names after the post was made and is now @lesserfantasy, invalidating any mentions of the old name. I also noticed that the URL of profile pages for DevForum users contains the user’s name rather than, say, their Roblox user ID. Is there any awareness of this minor issue, and if so are there any intentions to fix it?

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Unfortunately this is a Discourse issue (just tested on a forum where I’m admin in; I pinged myself, then changed name, ping went invalid) so you might want to ask about this one.


What’s the trouble with that? I guess they made it that way because it’s a lot easier.

I figure it has something to do with the fact that mentions are name dependent.

I don’t think so.
“Roblox Profile” is just a link. Invalid mentions are Discourse engine bugs.

For nerds

I think that the link is generated at the last stage of logging in. Forum doesn’t need your UserID and for optimization/other unknown reasons they take your username instead of ID and generate the link with it. Mentions aren’t mentioned anywhere here. Don’t forget it’s just a guess

Quotes also act up whenever I change my name, so I have a bunch of quotes and mentions under tons of different usernames. :laughing: It’s just the way Discourse works. As mentioned in the first post, would be best to ask about this on Discourse meta, we here can’t do much about that.

Appears there’s already something on this though:

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Most people don’t regularly change their names on Discourse forums; in most cases it can only be done within the first few minutes of an account being created, or a manual change by forum staff.


I was browsing meta today, and found this (same topic posted by colbert2677):

So this should technically be solved now, but Discourse may just need to release the update/Roblox needs to move to the latest update.