Character falling through world when dead

Right now I have my game set up in a way that on the server, all map geometry is parented to ReplicatedStorage, and the client handles parenting it to workspace and back when needed. (This is mostly just to save performance)

Recently, if you reset or die in any way, your character falls straight through the map. Probably something to do with network ownership? It seems like a recent update has caused this, since it was completely fine before.

What can I do about this?

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Can you show video?

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Paste this into a Server Script in StarterPlayer → StarterCharacterScripts, It will make all of the characters body parts collidable when the player dies.

local Character = script.Parent 
local Hum = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

    if (Hum.Health <= 0) then 
        for i,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do 
            if (v:IsA("BasePart")) and (v.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart") then 
                v.CanCollide = true
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They are all already collidable, there are even extra parts with CanCollide = true to handle ragdoll physics.

Try to make floor more thick in bottom. Scale it in Y.

Already tried, even having a 10 stud thick floor doesnt change anything

Its likely the network ownership (your ragdoll script?), since on server, those parts dont exist there.

If you truly don’t want to just have the parts already in workspace then search your ragdoll script

If you are not altering network ownership to begin with then try altering it so that the player controls its body parts on death.

Try it without the ragdoll script and see if it works so we can find the issue?

Honestly, I don’t think that’s the problem but who knows.

I expect this is related to this bug report

That said, I believe there may be a bug with the default character reset. When I reset on an empty baseplate, my head falls through the world.

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