Character flings when jumping (gamebreaking bug)

–Bug Trigger
I am making a fishing system, and it’s actually working quite nicely. However there is a major problem. If the player fishes, there is a chance that they’re affected by the bug. It’s really inconsistent. The bug can appear in singleplayer, however it appears much more commonly in multiplayer. I have made sure my script runs a thread for each player, so I don’t think it’s getting the wrong player values.

–Bug Description
The bug itself is in the title. The player is flung in a specific direction (always the same direction), and it seems like players can infect each other by touch.

–What I’ve tried / Possible Solutions
I’m assuming the bug has something to do with the welds I am using for my fishing system, however I do try to make sure all the welds, attachments and beams are cleaned up before exiting the fishing state. Additionally I have made every part that isn’t the humanoidrootpart or the fishing rod’s handle equal to massless and non-collidable.

I know the info isn’t the greatest, but it’s really difficult to replicate and find consistencies. Here is an older post displaying the bug.


New discovery: The player that is standing further away from the direction of the pull, will not be pulled.

Additionally, if a player’s rod is removed from the inventory (inventory is a folder descendant of the player), the bug dissapears, however it takes 1 jump to remove the bug.
This is the most confusing thing I’ve ever seen. I need help with this.

Edit: Also discovered that the bug goes away after fishing again.


Solution is here.
It had nothing to do with the fishing mechanic. It was simply triggered more often by the fishing, because of the slight repositioning the character after the fishing reel loop.

The issue was quite simple: The system I have been using clones a fishing rod inside of the player’s equipment folder into the character so the humanoid can equip it like a tool. Now if you’re not relying on welds at all this is probably fine, since you can manipulate the part’s properties like mass and collidability, however as soon as you’re welding anything together, including the fishing rod model itself, things can go very wrong (about 10% of the time ,physics are goofy as you know). This explains why it was so random, and no matter what I did it never changed the result.

So the best solution to this is to never have 2 fishing rods inside of the player. Instead, I made a StringValue inside of the player’s rod folder, and then used ReplicatedStorage.RodFolder:FindFirstChild() on that StringValue.

Change the StringValue when character loads - no equipment system yet so I’m just typing the ReplicatedStorageRodName value in manually.

Equip/unequip rod


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