Character is Slippery when Massless = True

Been checking devforums for “massless set to true, slippery” and can’t find results

Is there any way to get around this?

I know swordburst 3 has their massless set to true, but their character’s aren’t slippery.

I have tools massless set to true, which fixes like 90% of a specific issue I have, which is when you switch to shiftlock and jump backwards/left you go slower/move weirdly/buggy

The issue isn’t that bad now, that I turned massless on for my tool, and it gets completely fixed when I set massless to true for the player’s character too.

But now is there a way to make the character movement not be slippery while staying massless ?

Character’s massless = false

Type of movement I want, but I need the massless to be set to true, to not make movement act buggy with tools

Character’s massless = true

Now the moving is slippery

I have some ideas I could do to get around this, but don’t want to do any anything unnecessary. Anyone got any ideas to fix the slipperiness?


Are you sure you don’t modify any other properties that may affect physics (i.e. the actual mass of the part/density)

If so, your issue may be related to this:

I still need an answer from this :sob:

I have tools massless set to true, which fixes like 90% of a specific issue I have, which is when you switch to shiftlock and jump backwards/left you go slower/move weirdly/buggy

Hi it’s been a while.

Funky stuff like that usually happens if you anchor/unanchor body parts to the character. You sure you’re not doing that?