Character Pathfinding page on the DevHub does not acknowledge that Pathfinding Modifiers are still a Beta Feature

Issue Description
This page provides information on how to use the PathfindingModifier instance. Although, it does not mention anywhere on the page that this instance is a beta feature, and instead requires you to navigate to the API reference page on the instance to see this notice. This is pretty confusing, as simply following the guide will lead you to this warning message when trying to enable the PassThrough property:

Property PassThrough of PathfindingModifier () is not supported

Having some clarification on this article that the feature is still in beta would help to ease some confusion - it fooled me into posting an engine bug report because I had not used Studio in a while and was directly following the pathfinding guide, assuming I was encountering a bug due to a lack of any mention that it’s in beta and a pretty nondescript warning.

Issue Area: DevHub Content
Page URL: Character Pathfinding | Roblox Creator Documentation

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Yeah it’s quiet annoying as I’m making npcs that can open doors but they don’t walk through them even with PassThrough checked

Thanks for your report! We’ve triaged the issue and will follow up when it has been resolved.

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Pathfinding modifiers are now out of beta, so this issue should be resolved.


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