This bug occurs rarely and randomly, it can happen when shadows first start being shown or when shadow updates occur and can stay throughout multiple shadow updates. We’ve been able to create a place file that can repro the issue most of the time however it doesn’t always happen. When the issue occurs your character’s shadows become obscenely “glitched” and anything under your character like tools become glitched as well. This issue has been happening for almost a year and has recently gotten much worse, only reporting now because we’re working on a huge update for multiple top experiences I work for and the issue occurs a lot on our updated places We’ve tried changing CollisionFidelity and messing around with the models a bit to try and work around the issue but haven’t found one yet.
Picture of the issue:
Note that the repro and videos of the issue are in the private content of this bug report as they contain major unreleased content for top experiences I work for.
Repro Steps:
1.) Play test (or publish and test) the repro file in private content.
2.) Observe that shadows may sometimes initialize glitched, if not glitched take out the tool in your backpack a few times, if it doesn’t bug out re attempt play testing
3.) Shadows become incredibly glitched.
Expected behavior
Shadows shouldn’t become glitched rarely.
A private message is associated with this bug report