CharacterManager - Modify the default character loading behavior with ease


CharacterManager is a plugin that allows you to easily modify the default character loading behavior, it’s main purpose is to allow developers to easily play and test their game with different rig types without the need of publishing the place to Roblox.
If you find any issues or you want to simply just give me some feedback then go-ahead :wink:.


I just love this, return end if GUI doesn’t exist but also do that if it has children :rofl:

There’s really no need to be so rude and condescending. You could have provided feedback in a far more well-put-together way without being so disrespectful to the OP.

Without acting like a child, ask the OP what the purpose of something is. Maybe there’s an empty UI folder because they’re working on a UI but didn’t include it in the initial release. Maybe there was a UI before releasing but they decided to scrap it. Instead of being rude, ask them and wait for a response.

This is entirely a stylistic choice and there is no objectively better way to do this. I personally would have gone with the OPs approach because it avoids an extra indentation and a big tree of if statements. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter at all.


Because I am still working on it.

I wanted to release this plugin under 3 hours and I started at 2am so I didn’t bother to work on it and attributes do the same thing at end of the day.

Perhaps you’re right, however I didn’t want to put the plugin related stuff to the main file but if it’s really a big problem then I can always make it simpler.

You have changed what the code does here, my code replaces the script if it exists rather than saying no in the console.

I might have over commented the code, but there is no difference if I did or not.

The widget code won’t run so there is no difference at all.

Thanks I will fix it, I forgot that usernames were not suppose to be visible.

Oh interesting, I didn’t know I could do this with enums, well I guess I can.

What do you mean by that? It will force the rig type you chose.

EDIT: I had released a fix for the following:

  1. You no longer can see your own display name
  2. Display names are no longer using player’s username but rather their display name

It’s there to avoid unnecessary nesting.


I don’t actually get why the whole code is there, but I don’t think you understood. What is there is something that stops the script even if the folder doesn’t exists, even if it has childrens.

The comments I actually appreciate ._. , just personal preference for self but I don’t really have computer language memorized to a T. Even if unconventional and maybe slow or considered extra; I like actually seeing what things do in English. Helpful to beginners and noobs like me ig


Thank you! At least someone mentioned this.

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