Chat censoring silly things

Right now for some reason chat is censoring things like “you are dumb” and stuff on accounts that are 13+


Works as inteneded: “you are dumb” is a clear violation of our Rules of Conduct.


Yeah but its ineffectual. You can’t jokingly say “you are dumb” to your friends but you can say more harsh things like “you are an utter moron”.


Would like to say that’s a lawyer response. /joke

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That doesn’t mean people are allowed to. We’re still fine-tuning the filtering; some things may be missing.


Actually, safe chat is broken for a lot of people who are over 13+.
No one has reported this yet.


I just typed “2” a few times in-game and sometimes it got a #. Even stuff like “Skype”,“Peeing”, etc. are censored. Like wtf, can this be fixed? Editting my group’s description just leaves me with a bunch of #'s.

Fix now or imma cry :disappointed_relieved:


Also, it seems that having one “blacklisted” word can make your entire speech #ed

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I’m not sure what’s supposed to be there but I don’t think it’s hashes.

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You know, I just want to point out that I think there should be considerations between the allowance of playground banter and inappropriate insults.

Just saying.

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If a message is entirely hashed, it shouldn’t even be displayed to other players imo. It’s commonplace for this to happen:

PersonA: Hi, I ###### yesterday
PersonB: The word before “yesterday” was hashed out. Rephrase?
PersonA: Hi, I went skating yesterday (because skated was filtered for the purpose of discussion)

Now imagine this:

PersonA: ##########
PersonB: What you said was hashed out. Rephrase?
PersonA: (different way of saying “you’re dumb”)

I don’t see any good reason to show fully hashed messages to other players. They don’t communicate anything important (or anything for that matter), and they can result in the same thing as showing the sender that their message was filtered when the receiver tells the sender it was filtered.


I’ve also seen a lot of confusion between a lot of players who don’t understand why there’s hash tags, leading to often long conversations requiring me to explain to them why it’s happening. The use of the hashtag icon is kind of silly when there’s so many other things you can do to make censoring more obvious.

It also bothers me that if your text is being censored, you can’t see it censored yourself, someone else has to tell you you’re being censored.

I honestly had a good hour long conversation in a large game of Tradelands and apparently almost everything I said was being censored, and I couldn’t be bothered to say it again because it was a long conversation.


Necrobumped, also filter requests should go here: