Chat with Voice Developer Beta

Any 13+ user can use it. Not just developers.


or wait until you have a driving liscence :man_shrugging:

you have to verify tho to use it and @DevFoyRBX cant verify

Yea, they should of at least thought of more options for everywhere. like we can do it at the start of 13 years old. They will have to wait 3-4 years just to get verified if they donā€™t have a passport. I said 3-4 years from 13 because people start getting idā€™s and jobs and driving licence at 16-17 OR 18 cant remember. I have to wait 2 more years for my licence.


maybe they will add more options soon so you prob shouldnt worry

Hopefully they do it will be good.

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Youā€™ve highlighted perfectly the discrepancy between being 13 and when most people get a government ID (18). I think the goal is to not let people under 13 who may have a passport, for example, to have voice chat because it is deemed unsafe for them.

I ran into this issue a lot before I got a driverā€™s license. Itā€™s not just a Roblox thing; many financial institutions require government ID, for example. So yes, unless you get some form of government ID that you qualify for when youā€™re under 18, you wonā€™t have access at this time.

The main issue with allowing IDs that are not government issued is that they are unverifiable. School IDs arenā€™t ā€œofficialā€ on any level beyond the school; anywhere that accepts them is just doing so on good faith. Thereā€™s no central system.

Anyways, it sucks, but yes, many people will have to wait.


Will there be new API in the future that will allow devs to mute specific players from talking and also toggle whether the icon above charactersā€™ heads show? Some games have a GUI above playersā€™ heads to show additional information, and the new icon that shows whether someone is muted or unmuted blocks it.


I believe this may help you. They are addig api for voice chat. I have not tried it yet (since i have not verified) so im not too sure how it will work

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This is really exciting! Looking forward to different innovations like this soon to come ^^

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This is terrifying.

Iā€™ll give it a shot

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Iā€™m 14 and I have multiple IDs-- not sure how you donā€™t have any legal documentation containing your birth.


That API is only for identifying whether someone is capable of using spatial chat from a local-sided perspective and not what Iā€™m looking for at all. Iā€™m aware they are adding API which is why I asked ā€œWill there be new API in the future.ā€


Itā€™s wonderful to hear that itā€™s starting to be rolled out as a full-fledged feature of the platform but thereā€™s still a looming question I have about Voice Chat:

Local Server Playtesting Example

Even if players who have not verified their age remain unable to hear other users in Roblox Studio (during Team Create, for example), it would be wonderful to be able to test Voice Chat using a single account during Local Server playtests without having verified since you would only be able to hear and talk to yourself. Even though I will likely verify my age here in the future, maybe I should post a feature request for this once the Regular role on the Developer Forum is accessible againā€¦

For instance, if you hosted a Local Server playtest with 2 player Instances, you could do the following:

  • Mute the mic for one player Instance and keep the game volume enabled

  • Unmute the mic for the other player Instance and mute the game audio

Afterward, you could talk through Voice Chat from the Character that has the unmuted microphone setting and be able to hear what it sounds like from the other Character model (that has the game audio enabled) at different distances, varying levels of volume, etc.

Even if this is already possible for users who have officially verified their age, allowing any user that has a 13+ account to have access to Voice Chat in this specific environment of Local Server Playtesting would provide a more intuitive experience for those who are interested in the following:

  • Configuring Voice Chat for their experiences to improve the quality of gameplay for users who would like to use Voice Chat

  • Testing Voice Chat to see if itā€™s something theyā€™d be interested in enough to consider verifying their age in order to have full access to the feature

However, I understand if this functionality would not/could not be implemented for a variety of safety/security reasons in regards to Local Server Playtesting that I may be unaware of.


I have a feeling Roblox is trying to heavily make it difficult for the general public to have access to verification while theyā€™re still doing more testing of how Spatial Voice will work. If youā€™re at least 13, youā€™re able to easily join a Roblox Discord server and communicate there. For this, weā€™re talking about publicly available chatting.

Currently doing the same for me aswell. Not sure what it means.

Edit; Didnā€™t understand. The issue isnā€™t with the spatial voice, but rather the warning on the mic. People cannot hear me.

Can you separate Voice Audio from Game Audio and throw it in the Settings UI? There are some cases where itā€™s impossible to hear anyone due to how loud the Game Audio is. Iā€™ll post a feature request if necessary.


That would actually be really nice. Iā€™d really like to see that, since I keep my game volume low, causing the voice chat volume to be low.

This isnā€™t the developer API.
Im also scared that Iā€™m going to hear loads of screaming kids.

Developer Beta was cool. Now Iā€™m scared.

This is due to VoiceChat being bandwidth heavy, a few of my friends found a way to get voice chat in a game with more than 30 players. It crashed in 10 seconds.

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