CheatBlocker🖥️ V1.5.1 - free and strong anti cheat [⬇️550+] (Fully Server Sided)

@Unlimited_Objects can confirm that i got the method from him

he probably doesnt even remember me but hi unlimited if you are reading this its me from discord you gave me the method on discord and if i remember correctly my name on discord was “antiscriptkiddy#4240” pls confirm me if you remember me

i also remember unlimited talked about these “stacks” just to confirm that i do actually have it for real (in case you dont remember me unlimited)

can confirm from my side i have it saved in .rbxl local file because i just double checked

MemoryStoreService > webhooks.

you mean this one?
AIAdminSystem.rbxl (69.5 KB)

no i meant that i have unilimited’s private hookfunction detection saved in rbxl local file

i save alot of projects in .rbxl file instead of uploading them to roblox

honestly i prefer webhooks because i can just ping myself every each time it detects hookfunction

Who wouldn’t? Local files are better because if you get banned you lose everything.

Why isnt there a .rblx file to download nor where to place the scripts :skull:

The OP linked the model in the marketplace, just get it and insert it (not like it’ll do much)


Did you… bot post likes? There’s no way that there are 85 real accounts who saw this and said “yep, this is really cool”, all with visitor status and free avatars.

Anyways Im muting this, sick of getting notifications for this spammy "module@


I get that the model is OP my main reason for needing to download is how fast i can bypass it
The main thing I don’t get is where to place the scripts

So… Where’s the free and strong anti-cheat…?

This was patched with RejectCharacterDeletions as it required the replication of humanoid deletion!


yup it looks botted
it was probably OP who botted it or someone else we will never know really

This amazing combination of words… oh my… it’s so complex even I don’t understand it… the words were picked by Zeus himself and delicately knitted together with the most graceful hands to exist… When I found this combination of wonderful words that fell from the heavens my life suddenly had meaning…

Every day I go to sleep thinking that these words will keep me safe with the power of Zeus…


Very much botted
I wish someone botted my anti cheat :sob:


This means nothing, you need a real person to give a review


exactly, he told me that “using chatgpt isn’t illegal” when I didn’t mention that it is illegal

even people got mad at him for that, here is proof

now people are starting to talk about how he botted this post’s likes


Most of these are visitors with free stuff


Its official. CheatBlocker​:desktop_computer: V1.3 - free and strong anti cheat [:arrow_down:100+] is not a free and strong anti cheat.


“Well actually this is a very powerful and useful resource” :point_up_2::nerd_face:


Two things:

  1. It’s wrong to say I’m mad at the guy, I’m just disappointed.
  2. This does not look like botting to me…

Most? I only see 3 or 4 people. Though that may just be me.

AI will always rate stuff as a 10/10 or say your script is amazing no matter whever it is or not because it programmed to do that…

Life doesn’t work like that little bro you gotta get a review from NI - natural intelligence - a.k.a a real human not ChatGPT or Bing or whatever AI there is out there