[CHECK DISCORD] PolyWars! Strategic Wargame

i think having a storage system similar to needing to craft more storage is better. my only suggestion would be that the items inside arent destroyed, but they are strewn on the ground where other people, or you, can pick it up after a cooldown.

however, that could be a little too op, since other people can gain a lot of resources by just stealing them as soon as the cooldown ends, so you can either have only some resources drop, and the rest be destroyed, or keep it so that everything is dropped, which would make for more interesting tactics and gameplay (eg. players wont scavange as much, keep as much on them when theyre exploring, or spread their resources among all their troops)


Thank you! Thatā€™s an amazing idea. 20-70% of the resources inside the storage would be able to be transferred in the collectorā€™s balance instantly if his infantry units picked them up.
I would make the storage very big therefore it wonā€™t be too painful for the players to have to spam it too frequently.
Thanks for your suggestion!
(We also have a scavenger kit that doesnā€™t just pick off dropped materials but also broken scraps of units or burnt buildings etc.

when you said ā€œyour guys will fight for youā€ , is it like Age of empires? and the resources idea just reminds me of ir

No actually the ā€œyouā€ (Player) donā€™t literally exist.
Your job is to expand your territory, wealth and military to achieve something in game and eventually win at some point.
Itā€™s seriously very like Clash of Clans outlook + HOI4 system, most units and structures are made toward war, and itā€™s your choice to control them.
In our game we have strategic options for example division actions, agression settings, target settings etc.
You control your army, with simple and convenient controls.

Hey! I was interested in doing business with you, I sent you a request on Discord. (Hash#7845)

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Dude hearing about your game makes my day better, ill check out the poll

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Canā€™t wait for this to come out!

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Seems like a fun game by the looks of it! The game also looks very nicely built! Good job!

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Thank you! We are still updating and adding features daily

@dexanddeb @3rror_1O1 @Oetzi_CS @TomskiKiller @commitblue @spiritdragon1000 @BorrowedSoldier @MP3Face @2bam3 @UnknownHashtag @Littlemisscheaky12
Sorry for ping, this message will be deleted very soon, PM me if you do not want to be alerted. However, I promise that I wonā€™t spam your notifs.

Hereā€™s a question.
As everyone knows, for nearly any kind of complex games, lobbies are essential.
And my question is, should the lobby be purely made out of GUIs or as an actual 3D space?

GUIs are generally easier to make, the options (ex. Battlepass) are clearer, thereā€™ll be less chances to experience bugs, but however, the main issue is that players will not be able to chat and make new friends as easy.

3D lobbies are more open, which allows players to explore and talk with friends ā€œin-personā€, can get a bit messy and laggy if not treated properly,
Takes more time and effort to build, but could look quite amazing.

Pick one! (Note: All of them will be made to be high quality)
  • I think GUI lobbies are better, seeing a lot of popular games also use it. Thereā€™s no point for a 3D lobby.
  • I think GUI lobbies are good, but however, I think itā€™s still very important to have some time to see your opponents. Like fortnite, the homepage is UI, but you get a bit of time in game to talk.
  • I think 3D lobbies are essential as it makes me feel very special and generally great.
  • I think 3D lobbies is good, but I also like GUI lobbies.
  • Start with a GUI lobby and make a 3D lobby next major update!

0 voters

I like the game concept, some models are a bit weird though. For example, itā€™s called PolyWars, all models are meant to be low poly, but then on this plane thereā€™s high poly cylinders. The topo is a tiny bit messed up as well. But the game concept is cool!


Oh thanks! Thatā€™s a point, did that cause itā€™s easier to render in blender :laughing:
I think that could be an issue, how should I replace it?
(Any suggestions for a better name? We plan to find one once the game is done)


@dexanddeb @3rror_1O1 @Oetzi_CS @TomskiKiller @commitblue @spiritdragon1000 @BorrowedSoldier @MP3Face @2bam3 @UnknownHashtag @Littlemisscheaky12
Sorry for ping, this message will be deleted very soon, PM me if you do not want to be alerted. However, I promise that I wonā€™t spam your notifs.

Hereā€™s our plans for the battlemaps

Hereā€™s another question.

Should the maps be auto generated or premade?
  • Have a good amount of premade maps chosen randomly
  • Have totally random maps
  • Have random maps but with repeteted types of structures
  • Have only a few premade maps

0 voters

Note: The more random it is, the harder it is :cactus:
Hereā€™s our reference



@dexanddeb @3rror_1O1 @Oetzi_CS @TomskiKiller @commitblue @spiritdragon1000 @BorrowedSoldier @MP3Face @2bam3 @UnknownHashtag @Littlemisscheaky12 @LandnBlu

We will be finishing all the models in 6 days.
If you got suggestions, please tell me!
Hereā€™s what weā€™re doing:

Including the terrain


also anyone got a better name for the game?


"Ro-Battles" Ok, that was a joke. My brother is the one thatā€™s good with naming stuff, not me. This sounds like a cool game. Could you tell me when you release it?

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Iā€™m not too sure if I can use RO anymore, but anyways, ALPHA 1.0 version will be done in 1 month exactly.
After that, might take us a few days to test, fix bugs and calculate.


I know. That was part of the joke.

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@dexanddeb @3rror_1O1 @Oetzi_CS @TomskiKiller @commitblue @spiritdragon1000 @BorrowedSoldier @MP3Face @2bam3 @UnknownHashtag @Littlemisscheaky12 @LandnBlu @AustnBlox @UnknownHashtag
Iā€™m happy to annonce that ALL assets are finished! I will be showing them once my MacOS Studioā€™s curser detector is fixed, currently my editor POV is broken :cold_face:
I will be making one or a few thumbnail GFXs now, if you would like to have your avatar on it, please react to poll :arrow_down:

Do you want your avatar to be shown?
  • Yes, I allow.

0 voters

Some of your characters might be bigger or smaller, and you can tell me how you want it to be placed. :smiley:

Thank you again for your time and contributions!

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I might allow. Do we get credited in the thumbnail?

If you want your name shown, yes I can put it. But that you should PM me as most people probaby wouldnā€™t want to show their username.