Check if player joined friend through Roblox website

My game features multiple modes in different places (under the same game). If a player is in a place under the game that is not the start place, and one of that player’s friends joins their game through the Roblox website, they will not be teleported to their server and instead will be teleported to the start place.

Is there a way to redirect players who join their friends to their friends’ servers, or at least detect when a player joined someone through the Roblox home page?

Upon a player joining your game you can check if the FollowUserId property of the Player’s instance contains a user id, from there you will have to modify your game’s code to find that player that the user followed and which server they’re in and than teleport the original player to that server.


Usually when you follow a player they’re in the same server you joined, if they’re not then you’ll need to make use of the ‘MessagingService’.

local Game = game
local Players = Game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local Player = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(LocalPlayer.FollowUserId)
if Player then
	--Do code.