Check out the generative AI stream and let us know your best prompts!

Hey Creators!

We recently had a great staff stream with Slim_Fandango and beastoftheeast0 in Making a Halloween Scene using AI, where we showed you how to use the Texture and Material Generator along with the Assistant to build a spooky environment in about an hour! Here’s a recap of what happened! We walked through:

  • Creating and iterating on spooky Halloween-themed textures with Texture Generator
  • Creating and iterating on custom materials with Material Generator
  • Using the Assistant to help build and iterate on a Halloween scene by applying effects like smoke and adding objects like skulls, pumpkins, and adding gameplay like the ability to pick up items for points.

This was a live demo, so we had some mishaps, but have no fear, here’s a working place file with all the things that we showed off!

In case you missed it

During the stream, we also announced some cool new features for the first time. These features are now available to everyone!

  • Script insertion and iteration
    • You can work with the Assistant to edit and iterate on scripts Assistant created to continue to refine Assistant’s work based on your vision Data model awareness for Assistant
    • You will be able to ask Assistant to make changes to your data model and it will understands object names in your data model and can use them directly in scripts and other actions.
  • Creator Store insertion and iteration
    • You can ask Assistant to insert models from Creator Store and it will suggest multiple options
  • Data model context for actions
    • Assistant now has access to the names and types of your instances in the DM, which should let you speak more naturally rather than specifying the exact instance name (although specifying the exact instance name you want never hurts!)

Show us your prompts and outcomes

In the comments, let us know what prompts you used to help with your creation and any cool screenshots or videos you’d like to share of the outcomes. We’d love to see how you’re using these products while sharing your cool creations with the community. Let’s learn together and happy creating!


I wanted to try it out and have it modify my comprehensive game cycle system (2252 lines, currently have 12 gamemodes with their own functionalities) to introduce solo supported gamemodes for players who are alone in servers. Unfortunately, due to the large size of the script, it didn’t seem to be able to take it properly and preferred to make completely unrelated scripts from scratch.

How can I make it modify my script?

Here’s what it does when I try to paste the code directly instead of relying on highlight-based context:


Hi - can you share the prompts that you tried? We do have some limits on the size of messages that Assistant can process, so it’s possible the script length is causing an issue.


Does it have tips on lighting settings, material types…?

Is the demo place open sourced ?

It would be nice too, for Roblox to have more terrain materials we can override, and perhaps even some blank ones we could use for custom terrain?

What is the reason Roblox only has the number of terrain types you do ? What is the limitation ?


I told it to modify my GameCycle serverscript so it could introduce some gamemodes that players could be able to play while alone. I highlighted my entire script one time, and then attempted to send the entire script the next. Indeed, I believe the script length is the source of the issue, but I’m not sure how to remedy this.


Assistant should be able to iterate on an existing script in your DM without you pasting it in. So if you tell it what you want to do, and which script you want it to edit, it should be able to open that script and modify it. You can also select the script and ask Assistant to modify the selected script. Give that a try and let me know how it goes!


Alright, I’m getting it to work now, but Studio ends up freezing and I’m forced to close it out via Task Manager. I’m running on a 32 gig laptop with fair power settings enabled. Is there any way I can prevent these really big FPS drops and freezes?



That happens when you hit submit? Thanks for reporting this, I’ll flag to our team to look into it. Is it only when you ask it to work with this specific script? I’m wondering if the length of the script is causing the crash. If you use a shorter script does it work ok?


Yes, If I use a shorter script, it works fine and the Assistant is able to modify it. I do notice that for each letter it types out, the widget that contains the assistant seems to completely refresh and “stutter” in some kind of way, as if it’s redrawing the entire panel each time a letter is pronounced.


Great thanks for the info, we are looking into it


Hey @Slim_Fandango! How are you?

I saw a bit of the live stream recently, and I find it cool that this feature is getting updated soon and can help some developers generate maps and organize structures based on what it has in the Workspace, StarterPlayerScripts, etc.

I noticed from both the topic description and the VOD that the Assistant would provide suggestions of what you can add as a model. I submitted the same prompt of adding a skeleton and the AI response didn’t provide me with any options, it just created a complex script using InsertService and added a model based on what the Creator Store provides under the model section:

(Image showcasing the suggestion interface for the player to pick so I can be inserted into the Workspace)

(Image showing only an AI response with a complex coding that automatically inserts the model to Workspace. No Suggestion interface included)

Furthermore, something to mention is what happened to the tab called “Material Generator”? You see, the live stream showcases everyone using the Material Generator feature within the old Roblox Studio UI. With the new framework and beta feature called “Next Gen Studio Preview”, this is now under the Assistant tab and doesn’t provide the option to analyze the model with the preview material as well as fill a box to create a smart UV project:

I believe that addressing this would be good because it seems that this whole generative AI feature is not “transparent” enough and doesn’t work 100% from the expectations given from the live stream :sad:


Hi there, sorry for the late response. Your screenshot for “add a skeleton” doesn’t show the whole message, but if you scroll down you should see “added a skeleton” with a little down carrot. If you click the down carrot, you should see the iteration flow I showed in the demo. Let me know if you don’t see that!

Material Generator has been merged into the Materials button in the old ribbon. We still need to update this on the “Next Gen Studio Preview” but haven’t gotten to it yet. Thanks for the feedback!


Alternatively, you can still open “Material Generator” by right clicking on the title bar of any widget and selecting it from the menu