CheckMeIn 4.0 Manual

This guide will help you install CheckMeIn 4.0 in your game.
You’ll need to purchase a license in order to use the system in your game. If you haven’t done this yet, you can visit the Portal to purchase a license.

Basic Setup

We'll start off by inserting the model so we can get started. Your first step should always be to enable Http Requests!

To do this, refer to the Game Settings button in Roblox Studio, and under the Security tab, flip the switch labelled ‘Allow Http Requests’. This permission is required so that CheckMeIn can verify you own a license.

Finally, make sure to hit Save in the bottom right to save your changes.

Open the required windows in Roblox Studio

To install CheckMeIn, you will need to open the following windows:

Need help? Please go to the bottom of this post.

Inserting CheckMeIn

We can now insert CheckMeIn into your game. You’ll need to use the CheckMeIn Suite plugin for this. Follow the guide in the post linked below.
CheckMeIn Suite Installation

Configuring CheckMeIn

We're going to start by filling in some details so CheckMeIn can only be used by your group members, along with some other important information the system needs to function properly.

In the model you've inserted, you'll find a script called Options.
Open this script.

Room Types

Room types allow you to create various kinds of rooms. These can be paid (using game passes) or free. To add a new room type, follow the existing format which is written inside of the script.
{"Standard Room", false}; -- This example will create a room type called Standard Room, and it will require no game pass in order to use.
{"Deluxe Room", {1234}}; -- This example will create a room type called Deluxe Room, which will require a game pass to use (id: 1234).

You can also modify the names / game pass requirements of the included room types (Standard Suite / Premium Suite), or remove them altogether.

Receptionist Settings

These settings will allow you to set a rank requirement in order to use the CheckMeIn receptionist interface. Example configuration:
Receptionists = {
	Group = 2521902; -- This is your group ID!
	Minimum = 4; -- Minimum rank (0-255) which is allowed to use the system
	RankTable = false;
	Gamepass = false;

You can also use the RankTable value if you cannot use minimum rank (for example, when a higher rank should not be allowed to use the receptionist interface)
The format for this feature is RankTable = {1, 4, 6, 255}; (in this example, ranks 1, 4, 6 and 255 can use the interface, but nobody else!)
When you use the RankTable feature, the Minimum rank value will be ignored automatically.

Staff Card Settings

The staff card settings are mostly the same as the receptionist settings. Anyone with permission will automatically spawn with a staff card in their inventory, which can open all doors in your game. Alternatively, you can disable staff cards entirely by setting the Enabled value to false;.
Set UseReceptionist to true; in order to use the same permissions for the staff cards as your receptionists.

Gui Options

PopUp will send a pop up request before checking in/out a player, to make sure the player wants to be checked in/out. Set to false; in order to disable this feature. Timer is the amount of time (in seconds) the customer is given to answer the prompt, before it is automatically declined.

Self Check In

The self check in system allows players to check themselves in, without the assistance of an employee. Below is a table of each value feature, its function and possible configuration values.
Feature Possible value(s) Description
Gamepass false; or {gamePassId}; Only allows players with the specified game pass to use the self check in system.
ShowNotOwned true; or false; When enabled, players will be able to see all room types listed, even if they do not own the required game pass.
Theme 'Dark'; or 'Light'; Switches the self check in gui to a light or dark theme.
Translucent true; or false; Makes the self check in gui slightly see-through, so that the BackgroundImage behind can also be seen when selecting a room.
BackgroundImage 'rbxassetid://...'; Sets the background image for the self check in gui.
TextColor Color3.fromRGB(r,g,b); Sets the text (and icon) color on the home screen. This value can be changed when using a light background to make the text more readable.
WelcomeMessage 'Welcome to my hotel, $user!'; The text that is shown to players when they enter the self check in gui. Use $user to refer to the player's name.
Zoom true; or false; Fixes the camera to the self check in machine while it is being used. It's not recommended to disable this feature.
BackupSelfCheckIn true; or false; When enabled, self check in will be made free to use when no employees are in the server.
A few features are left out here, because they are meant for advanced users only. You can set DisableSmoothCorners to true; to disable smooth corners, which is useful when you're using a custom self check in model. The Resolution value should also not be changed unless a custom model is used. Learn more about these features in the custom asset tutorial.

Miscellaneous Settings

Feature Possible value(s) Description
RoomManagementZoom true; or false; When enabled, the camera will be fixed to the room management tablet while it is in use. It's not recommended to disable this feature.
PrivateModeByDefault true; or false; When enabled, Private Mode will be enabled by default when a player is checked in. Private mode will make sure only the player (and their roommates) can enter the room. Note that staff will still be able to enter any room, regardless of the Private Mode setting.
LoadWhenFail true; or false; When enabled, the system will start using default configuration values in case a configuration error is detected.
PerformanceMode true; or false; When enabled, door animations will be disabled in order to save performance. This feature will always be enabled on mobile devices.
DoorOpenTime number; Time (in seconds) it takes for doors to open or close. Note that this is purely the length of the animation. To change how long a door remains open, refer to the Timer value for each door.

Enterprise Settings

These features only apply for people with an Enterprise license. If you're using a Standard license, please skip to the next section.
Click the Open button to view all Enterprise features.

Gui Options

Feature Possible value(s) Description
Colors Color3.fromRGB(r,g,b); You can set the color of each UI element, in a light and dark theme.


You can set the font of each UI element. Click the Enum.Font link to see all possible options.
CompanyName 'Your Hotel Name'; Enter your company name to have it displayed at the top of the CheckMeIn interface. You can leave it blank (' ';) if you do not want to use this feature.
DefaultDarkMode true; or false; When enabled, will launch CheckMeIn in the dark theme by default.
CornerRadius number; Radius (in pixels) of corners in the CheckMeIn interface. Set to 0; to disable smooth corners.
RoomPicker true; or false; When enabled, employees will be able to select a specific room to check a customer into.


Feature Possible value(s) Description
Enabled true; or false; This value turns the Points system on or off.
Reward number; Set to the amount of points an employee should receive for checking a player in / out.
Leaderstats true; or false; When enabled, points will be displayed in the leaderboard.
Function function(employee,newTotal) (For advanced users) This function runs each time a point is awarded.
Datastore string; This is the name of the Data Store CheckMeIn will use. Change it to reset data.


Feature Possible value(s) Description
OpenStyle 'Swing'; or 'Fade'; Set to Fade for a fade in/out animation, or set to Swing for a swinging animation.


EasingStyle (only when OpenStyle is set to Swing). For all options, click the EasingStyle link. It’s not recommended to change this value.
Angle number; Angle in degrees to which doors will open when OpenStyle is set to Swing.
DisableCollisionsDuringSwing true; or false; When enabled, doors will not collide with players while they are opening. It's recommended to enable this feature.
EtoOpen true; or false;

When enabled, ProximityPrompts will be shown on doors that can be opened by players.

Range number; Amount of studs away from which a player can activate the ProximityPrompts on the doors.

Discord Integration

Feature Possible value(s) Description
Enabled true; or false; Turns the Discord Webhook on or off.
URL 'URL'; Enter the Discord Webhook URL in this value.
CheckedIn true; or false; Add a message to the log when someone is checked in?
CheckedOut true; or false; Add a message to the log when someone is checked out?
SelfIn true; or false; Add a message to the log when someone checks themselves in?
SelfOut true; or false; Add a message to the log when someone checks themselves out?
Since Discord limits the amount of times we can send a message using the Webhook, we cannot send a separate message for each event (check in / out). To circumvent this limitation, logs are combined into one giant message. You can choose to send this message once it has reached the character limit (2000), or every X amount of minutes.
For very popular games, we recommend to use the character limit (set PostAnyway to false;).
For less popular games, PostAnyway can be enabled to see logs every few minutes.
The Time value should be set to the amount of minutes the system will wait until sending a new log message (only when PostAnyway is enabled).

Note: All of your servers combined, can send a maximum of 30 messages per minute to the Discord webhook. Exceeding this limit may cause in account moderation, for which I am not responsible.

Testing CheckMeIn

Now is a good time to see whether the system is working. Publish your changes using Alt + P on Windows or Option + P on macOS. Play your game from the website and see if the system works.

Note: CheckMeIn does not work in Roblox Studio!

You've successfully configured CheckMeIn! Finally.

From here, all you will need to do is install the doors. Please continue to the Door Installation guide.

Door Installation (coming soon!!)

Need help?

Can't figure something out? This stuff isn't exactly easy. No worries, free support is included with every CheckMeIn license. Please select your age group for relevant support instructions.
I'm over 13 years old.

You can join our Discord server! You should be able to see the link on our group page. Once you’re in, refer to the help channel to learn what to do next.

I'm under 13 years old.

Tough luck, you’re not old enough for Discord yet. Don’t worry though, you can have a guardian contact me and I’ll do my best to help you.

My Contact Information: (ranked from fastest to slowest response)

1 Tim#6198 on Discord
2 @windocats on Twitter
3 You can send me a private message on the DevForum.