Chinese Alleyway - Showcase #2

Hey! I made a second showcase map. (I heavily took inspiration from the game Sifu)

Feedback is appreciated! :star2:


Looks stunning!
One question:
It looks like you implemented some form of Volumetric Lighting (The way the light shines through the fog). How did you achieve that?

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I used james8692’s Volumetric Lighting.

You can find a video about it on YouTube by the channel name “RocketShotgun”

Achieved something similar using that:

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It looks great from that angle, it could totally be a movie shot.

I assume other angles and brighter lighting would show less detailed sections that I could point out. The contrast with the shadows is strong, there’s a clear focus for the image. The windows feel a bit off, but not sure why. Maybe the way the light bounces off the material of the main mesh of the (left gray) building itself. The neon white-ish color seems just a tad bit too bright, but that’s nitpicking.

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Very nice but maybe adding leaves or something would be cool otherwise very nice!

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