Chrythm's RPG Kit (Free)

I’ve created an RPG kit that anyone can now use! In this post, I will be explaining what it can do and how to use it. My main reasons for making this kit are: provide new developers and people who don’t code a system to work with easily, speed up the process for making RPGs, and provide my take on the way an RPG kit should be made.



Most importantly, it comes with the base systems that all RPGs must have: a save/load system, an enemy system, and a level system (although I call them ranks in the kit, not levels). The enemy system in this kit uses an EnemyType system, which just means that there are enemy AI archetypes that can be applied to any enemy, for example: Regular, Brute, etc... The entire AI for all enemies is controlled by the main server script, RPGSystem; including follow mechanics, attack functions, and animation.

Attack System

Each NEW EnemyType requires its own code in the RPGSystem under the Attack function, along with a dedicated folder with its settings. This is the only part of the system that requires code to make an addition. I have built-in utility functions for finding players in a few ways, but you have total control over what happens when they try to attack. I have a few template enemies set up by default.

Follow System

Everything code-related to this system is automated. Control how each EnemyType follows players using the corresponding folder in ReplicatedStorage.EnemyTypes

Animation System

This was made specifically for this kit due to the lack of support for animation sharing on Roblox. With that being said, the way that animations are played in this kit are by reading KeyframeSequences. It's not perfect, but it's a much better alternative. All animations are played on the client, so any animation on an enemy will need to fire the client event for animating. To add an animation, simply save an animation in the animation editor plugin and copy it from the "AnimSaves" model inside of your rig. Put it inside of the ReplicatedStorage.Animations and you're all set! Control the animations that weapons and enemies use with their respective values.

Due to the fact that the Roblox animation system and this animation system don’t work together very well, I made separate player movement animations. In retrospect, I may have stylized these a bit more than I should have, but you can change them as you wish if you feel the same.

Item System

All saving, loading, and equipping are handled automatically. There are four item types by default: swords, staves, bows, and potions. Each of these have a variety of values that determine the functionality and visuals of the item. For potions, however, the behavior needs to be added in the event that handles potions. I won't assume that users will only want to add health potions, so I left that open. What happens when you use an item can be further customized in the RPGClient script.


I decided to go the HumanoidDescription route for this. Because of that, adding armor is limited to catalog items as of now (unless they allow for custom mesh ids, then please correct me). Adding armor only takes some ids.


Automated of course, I wouldn't torture myself or others. The "ShopItems" folder is where the system looks for things to put in the menu. For each item, you can specify a description, text color, and ItemType. If the ItemType is "Weapon," then it will search in ReplicatedStorage.Items, but if the ItemType is "Armor," then it will search in ReplicatedStorage.Armor instead. There is one exception to shops, and that is the pawn shop. This shop should not be changed; any item that has a price value in ReplicatedStorage.Items will be sellable in this menu. To make a new menu trigger, simply add a bubble to Workspace.MenuTriggers with the same name as the desired menu. Touching this bubble will trigger the menu to open.


Areas are folders of maps and enemies that are loaded and unloaded when entering portals. These areas also have the power to have specific lighting settings and music.


When making portals to an area, keep in mind that there should also be a portal going back; in this kit, your respawn location is saved to the area that you are positioned in, so resetting won't get you unstuck from a portal-less area. To add a portal, use an existing portal or customize it and set the intended area and rank values. No extra work is needed.

Spawn Regions

Spawn regions are how the enemy system determines where and how to spawn the enemies. You can have it spawn one type of enemy, or a bunch of different ones. You could also sprinkle small spawn regions throughout an area to take more of a random approach. When creating spawn regions, keep the orientation of each at (0, 0, 0) - this system works on flat planes on the x and z axis. To add a spawn region, create a part and make sure it's anchored with collision off. Keep the Y-axis of its size as small as possible. Feel free to make them any transparency, they will become invisible once the game starts running. Inside of a spawn region's "EnemiesToSpawnHere" folder, add models (or any class) with the name of an enemy in ReplicatedStorage.Enemies.

Enemy drops

If an enemy has a "Drops" folder, the system will run through its contents and look for a corresponding item in ReplicatedStorage.Items - but only if the drop chance of the item happens to be in your favor (this is customizable by percentage).


Simply follow the instructions on the installer (PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION FOR IT FIRST).

Here’s the installer:
Here’s my video tutorial on adding to the kit (annoying voice warning):

In conclusion, I hope this works out as a simple and easy starting point for anyone getting into making games and/or RPGs. There are probably minor details I missed in this post, but hey, it was fun putting something out there.

Version 2.0

For the sake of avoiding inconsistencies in my explanation, refer to this video for details.

Version 2.1

Bugfixes and security improvements.

Hello, Chrythm.
Thanks for sharing your RPG kit, under my opinion this could help many new developers to create their first game, as I think it’s quite well done and easy to use.
Keep that good work!


Really good how ever i cant but ask to why didnt you simply use the default animations cant you just put the animations in a dummy for the
users to export as their own ?


I don’t want everyone to have to go through the pain of doing that for a dozen of animations and replace each id.

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I’m not great at scripting but do you have any idea how you would make so that each mob have spawn limit?

so like i have goblin, and then a holo-goblin

i would want only 10 goblins to spawn
and then only 3 holo-goblins to spawn?

great stuff though

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A specific enemy limit would have to be added manually, but you can have one enemy more common than others with a bunch of spawn regions where most of the spawn regions have one enemy.

you should add more enemy types :open_mouth:
i would love to see more stuff from this!

It’s not hard to add enemy types. I made this to be easy to add on to; there is a video tutorial and guide in the OP.

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Awesome kit! I noticed that attacks don’t replicate? It would also be cool if the users Level would show above their head

the script rate is also insane, the game gets laggier to play overtime


User nametag support could be added, but attack replication should already be a thing. It worked last time I tested it, but I’ll check again. Also the lag issue is known, still tracking down the cause of it.

This RPG kit can help any new developers out there who are new to studio or scripting.

I really needed this. Thank you so much for sharing it!


Cool contribution, good work!

Personally, won’t use it as I’d like

Maybe it’s the remote events? rip

I might need your help to track this down, I can’t replicate this lag in my place. What script has this rate problem and is there a way to get it to start? Maybe a specific action?


I was using the lightning sword and I was using right click (the spin attack) in a crowd of zombies, it’s on the RPGClient script.

I can DM you a place link

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Does it happen when you’re the only one in the server?

No, it happens when I play with two people

I realized that there were a few spawn functions in bad places, and I easily removed them to be replaced with bindableevents and other workarounds. I’ve seen spawn functions cause lag like this before, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the reason. In order to update your version of the kit to the new version, you could either:

  1. Replace the kit with the installer (not recommended if you modified it or made additions, they will be reverted and deleted)
  2. Replace the RPGClient and game.Workspace.Events.EnableDamage objects with the new versions found in the kit model itself found here:

Hope this fixed the lag.


Just finished playing around with it. Very cool! Nice job.