| Information:
Common Questions
How do I watch a movie at CineBlox?
A: If there aren’t any cashiers selling tickets, there is a Self-Ticket machine at the front. This machine gives you tickets for movies of your choice. -
Why can’t I use the Self-Ticket machine?
If the Blox Office booth is open with a good number of staff, the Self-Ticket is not available, enter the queue to get a ticket. If you prefer a quicker service, use the CB App on your phone to purchase tickets quickly.
If there are a lot of people using the self-ticket machines, you will have to wait your turn. A machine can only be used one at a time. -
How do I work here?
A: Read our staff rules AND how to get a job to apply at the application center. If you pass, you’ll be placed in the “Trainee” rank. This rank is for you to train to Usher. -
How can I train for a job?
A: You can train if you have been ranked Trainee after passing your application. More information can be found in our Job Information board.
| Rules:
All rules must be read before applying @ CineBlox. This information is helpful to answer the application correctly.
‣ Follow the ROBLOX rules and guidelines.
‣ Do not delay a queue by messing with our staff.
‣ Do not try to moderate our staff yourself, report any issues to a Staff Coordinator+ member in-game, or create a support ticket in our communications server.
‣ You will lose your rank if you leave the group.
‣ Warnings and bans are given to those violating our public rules at CineBlox.
All these rules must be read before applying.
If any of these rules are broken, you may risk demotion and lose your job position.
‣ | Staff must always use correct grammar when on a shift. That means correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Welcome! Give me a moment to scan your ticket.
welcome. give me a moment to scan ur ticket
‣ | Always give a quick but complete greeting to a customer you’re providing service to.
Welcome to CineBlox! How may I help you?
Hi! Give me a moment to scan your ticket.
Welcome to CineBlox where every day is a perfect day to watch a movie. Give me a moment to scan your ticket!
‣ | Be kind, patient, hard-working, and respectful.
‣ | Never argue. Always speak kindly to customers no matter what.
- It’s not your job to punish them.
- Don’t try to hurt their feelings to make them stop.
- Do not warn a customer for being mildly disrespectful.
- Remember! Trollers want to see you mad. They will feel useless if you’re kind to them.
‣ | If a customer or staff member breaks our rules, do the following.
DO NOT say anything! Do not tell them you’re reporting them. Never threaten them.
- Warn them if possible without saying a word. If it continues, secretly report the issue to a higher-ranked member. They will handle it using warning and chat history.
‣ | Give PROPER warnings to others.
- Warnings can be viewed by our SHR team, false warnings aren’t tolerated.
- DO NOT warn a player for reasons that are not listed in the warnings command.
- Don’t warn a player for revenge. This violates our rule of being kind and respectful no matter what.
‣ | Keep your customers satisfied at all times.
- Be kind and respectful to customers no matter what.
- Do your best to help them out with what they may need.
- Make sure to be quick at your job!
| Job Information:
Work Point Key
] Training Key:
Usher (WP per minute) - 0 WP
Sweets Attendant (WP per sale) Coming Soon
Food & Drink Attendant (WP per sale) - 100 WP
Ice Cream Attendant (WP per sale) - 100 WPNOT OPEN: MR JOBS
Concession Attendant (WP per sale) - 200 WP
Blox Office Cashier (WP per sale) - 350 WP
Theater Manager (WP per minute) - 500 WPNOT OPEN: HR+ JOBS
Staff Coordinator (WP per minute) - 750 WP
Operations Director (WP per minute) - 1,000 WP + Chosen by EO+
[WP = Work Points]
Make sure to be at the training center at least 10 minutes before your training. Trainers will lock the server when training begins.
Training Center is inside the game CineBlox. Follow the signs to find the TC building.
| Places:
‣ CineBlox, Theaters, & Training Center
‣ Application Center