Circle/Ellipse GUI Primitive

Circles are really cool. They give a lot of personality to GUIs. Whenever I want to use a circle in my GUI though, I need to make a PNG of one in Illustrator that is exactly the size I expect it to be in my GUI. This gets annoying when my sizing is off by a little bit since it requires uploading a whole new image, which itself isn’t guaranteed to fit right. Having a circle (or ellipse) primitive is a common sense feature in my opinion and would make the lives of creative GUI designers much easier!

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And even when you make a circle imagebutton, the clicking is still a square.

I think a cool way to do this would be like CSS border-radius so you could make any rounded rectangle, square or circle.


I made a GUI with circle buttons before, the only way I would allow clicks to go through is if the mouse was located within a set radius of the center of the button. This would be much harder with ellipses so this gives further support for allowing this feature(also GUIs haven’t been updated in years other than for fonts and fontsize).