Hello! I am presenting to you CirclePartModule, a module to help you easily create circle rock effects.
This module was created by me using a youtubers script and I eventually started modifying it to be a lot mar customizable and useful(original video: How to make your first VFX for Roblox Part 2! - YouTube) This module has 10 different customizations to make a unique and cool effect.
How to use
Rockmodule.new(part, size1, size2, distx, disty, distz, shape, axis, raybool, timetilldes, howmanyrocks)
The part is what the rock circle is gonna be based around. It is most commonly used with a HumanoidRootPart.
The next is size1, and size2. These are the arguments to randomize the size of the rocks.
The next are the distance between the circle and the part. distx, the distance on the x axis, disty, distance on the y axis, distz, the distance on the z axis.
Shape is the shape that the parts will be. It currently only accepts “Ball”, “Block” and “Cylinder”, and any part instance of your choice. If you do not fill out the argument, it will default to Block.Next one is the axis that the circle is going to be on. It accepts “X”, “x”, “Y”, “y”, “Z”, “z”.
Next one is the raybool, which if true will make it so that the part’s material and color will be that of the ground beneath it9or whatever the recast hits beneath it).
Next Is the timetilldes. This is how long the ring will last until it gets destroyed.
The next one is Tweenargs. This takes a a table that can be created by using module.newinfo(goals, tweeninfo)
This tween is the one played before the rock is destroyed
howmanyrocks is how many rocks in the circle.
Link: CirclePartModule - Roblox
Code for example:
local RockModule = require(game.ServerScriptService.PartCircleModule)
game.ReplicatedStorage.Move.OnServerEvent:Connect(function (player)
local hum = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
RockModule.new(hum, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, "Block", "Y", false, 10)
I hope you guys find this module useful and let me know any feedback you may have. Also give me some more ideas on features for this module!