How to change the part of a tween

Hello, I’m trying to make a feature for my Module(CirclePartModule- A module to help create cool rock circle effects) where the user can input a tween into the arguments of the function and I can use that tween to tween the rocks. Is this possible? Also, how would I get the goals of a tween?

I’m not entirely sure what you mean but you could pass in the tweenInfo table, the instance, and the goal position into the arguments as a table. But it really depends on the structure of how you want to pass in those arguments.

local TweenArguments = {Instance, TweenInfo, Goal}
Module.SomeFunction(TweenArguments, ...)

function module.SomeFunction(TweenArgs, ...)
    local Object, TweenInfo, Goal = table.unpack(TweenArgs)
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