City Loader Plugin - Templates for Real Life Buildings/Cities in Studio

This Helps Me a lot on my projects and save lots of time. Thank you!

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Terrain Support

This plugin now supports loading terrain! :slight_smile:

Other changes:

  • Maximum selection area increased to 25 tiles
  • You can now continually load in areas relative to each other for very large imports. Just keep the selection page open.
  • Roads are painted on terrain rather than rendered as parts
  • Buildings are now hollow; regular parts are used to create a hull and wedges create the roof fill to make it easier to edit


I do love the new update! It looks pretty cool.

However, I do have suggestions for the next update:

  • Textured Buildings (if possible)
  • Optimize the rendered building, such as use meshes instead of wedges. Currently, it’s so hard for me to resize the rendered meshes there.

That’s all. :smile:


Haha unfortunately accurate textures don’t seem to be an option coming any time soon - the closest you could get right now is using preset textures based on color data that the majority of buildings simply don’t have (hence why buildings are coloreed randomly)

As for the second note, I did change the building structure slightly so that the entire building is not made up of wedges now. The walls are formed by regular parts which should be easier to manipulate.

I’ll be adding an option soon to union the buildings, I just wanted to get terrain out there first. :slight_smile:


The buildings give me sim city vibes.

Other than that, this plugin looks amazing. I can tell without a doubt this will help people.


I personally love the terrain, fixes my issue with the open curves on roads. Gapfill is good and all but I don’t wanna spend 10-30 minutes fixing every single open curve and stuff. Awesome update!

In one word, I am sure that it is a perfect and very useful thing. We expect your success to continue.

Why only terrain is loading for me no matter which area i choose no buildings.

this is a really cool plugin but does it render buildings too? cause mine isnt rendering buildings…

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Could you add some type of option to turn the terrain off?

I was using this plugin as a blueprint to recreate some roads, the old one was really helpful for me.


Wow! This looks great! I will tinker with this a bit! My only complaints are that the terrain can’t be turned off, which Ktv_10HD suggested making an option, and that the terrain gets severely butchered as seen in the video but it doesn’t mean I won’t use it. Awesome work.

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Terrain is now optional.

I hear your complaints and understand! Some of the terrain data is imperfect or unreliable, and many people prefer to use the road parts. Terrain data is now optional, after you update the plugin.

When selecting your area, simply uncheck the “include terrain” box.



Omg what! This plugin is the best!! :blush:


Any chance you could add support for local files? This plugin is great, but it’s very limited due to the relatively small max area.

Update: I made a modified version; posted here


It’s interesting finding which parts of the world render the best and which don’t. For Detroit and Windsor, it was hard selecting them all at once because your program won’t let me select a slightly larger area, and there doesn’t exist a colored border for how big your selection can be. I did the best I could and both Detroit and Windsor loaded surprisingly well. I guess they turned their bridge into a regular road and the Detroit River dried up?


How did you do this! Looks amazing! No complanits at all. Fully recomended.
Thanks for making this!

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Make lakes render! That would help so much if we could render lakes, also make it where we can change the size of the area not selection but we can change the size of the import going into studio. :+1:

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How do you make water? I have terrain ticked but lakes will appear dry?

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you have to make them yourself sadly :pensive:

I’ve modified the original plugin for those of you looking to import local GeoJSON files (as opposed to using the size-restricted interface of the original). Max file size supported by Roblox is 100MB.

If you’re wondering where to download data from (with buildings), I use Protomaps - OpenStreetMap Extracts, and I convert the exported pbf file to osm using Osmconvert - OpenStreetMap Wiki. I then (I know it’s exhausting) use to convert the file into usable GeoJSON.

If you want, you can upload massive areas — I uploaded all of Oahu for example, although any practical usages are probably much smaller unless you can find a way around the floating point precision issue.

This doesn’t support terrain, although terrain at this scale is unusably laggy anyways.