Clanware Banlist API Module

Roblox | Discord | Module |

About Clanware

Clanware is a Roblox community centered around the sword fighting aspect of the game. It offers a range of services designed to improve and protect the sword fighting genre, including a verified discord bot with over 20k users, a comprehensive ban list of known exploiters, a group checker to increase clan safety, and channels for news, communication, and marketing. The goal of Clanware is to foster a positive and safe environment for players to enjoy the sword fighting aspect of Roblox Clanning.

The Clanware banlist currently has about 1.2k exploiters.

Module Overview

This module provides functions for interacting with the Clanware exploiter ban list API. The cw object contains the following functions:

  • Activate() : Makes a GET request to the Clanware ban list API and stores the response in the cw object. Returns true if the request was successful, or false and an error message if the request failed.
  • isListed(player: player, checkXplt: boolean, checkDgn: boolean) : Accepts a player object and two booleans, checkXplt and checkDgn , and checks whether the player is listed in the xplt or dgn ban lists. Returns true if the player is listed, or false if the player is not listed.

Example usage

local cw = require(path_to_cw_module)

if cw.Activate() then
	if cw.isListed(player, true, false) then
		-- Player is listed in the xplt ban list
		-- Player is not listed in the xplt ban list
local cw = require(11872695784)

cw.Activate() -- You must run activate before anything else.
repeat task.wait() until cw.Loaded -- You can use this if you are referencing CW in multiple scripts but only activating it in one.
local exploiters = cw.xplt -- table of exploiter user ids
local degenerates = cw.dgn -- table of degenerate user ids

local players = game:GetService("Players")
    if cw.isListed(player, true, true) then -- Param 1: player to check, param 2: Check XPLT, param 3: Check DGN, returns boolean
        -- custom exploiter/degenerate handling



This module seems interesting to use! I’ll be sure to check and use this when I get home. :smiley:

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This module is designed to ban exploiters and degenerate users from all games using Clanware, right?

If so, that’s an amazing idea. But how do I add an exploiter or a degenerate user to the ban list when I encounter one?

Hi, yes you’re right, you can ban all exploiters and degenerates from games. The banlist is managed by a central committee who review evidence and vote on cases. You can submit evidence in our Discord server linked in the original post. Note that we only accept evidence from sword fighting games as that is our niche. Degenerates can be doxxers, ddosers etc.

To view evidence you can use our discord bot.


That’s a really amazing concept, to be honest.

If it wasn’t for just sword fighting games, it would discourage exploiters and degenerate users to act maliciously as their actions can lead them to a general ban from games that uses Clanware. It would be funny for them to create a lot of alternative accounts as one witness can get them banned from games before they can even join another one.

But I won’t change your niche, since that’s the way you and others are more comfortable with. Keep up with this concept, I love it! :slight_smile:


Alright, I just got home and tested some things and this is a really good system!

My question is if it can detect the exploiter potentially using an alt account or not.

We have an obfuscated script with no customisation options that I cannot share here due to the rules. It contains an alt identification system that helps us crack down on alt usage. Although this will always be a reactive response rather than preemptive.

I think this module may help millions of developers to stop exploiters from cheating in their game, I’m so glad you made this system!

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