Clarification on code flagged for safety review

From what we know it’s termination.


I can’t really see a reason why you would want to moderate code, as no one really sees it other than us developers or exploiters. It’s honestly just a waste of human resources if you ask me.


That’s horrible if anyone gets falsely accused but useful if the moderators got it right.


This is (NICE) bad change because some developers do not want there private code being shared to people they don’t even know. Maybe give some information on who this specialised team is?


While I understand their intentions in trying to moderate code that could be somehow offensive or crude, my main gripe is who is trust-worthy enough to moderate code from my programmers in various projects? Will they interpret correctly that the content in the code is correct? How much code are they reviewing? Are they chunks of code that they flag or entire scripts that constantly get checked once edited?

There have been moments where moderation has failed us to some degree (i.e. the ban wave on Roblox Star YouTubers) and the lack of transparency that always worried me and my teammates in projects.


Why should we be concerned about the language and decorum inside our private UGC over malicious code? Isn’t this a major misplacement of resources on behalf of the safety team on a trivial issue of moderation?


Okay, so first of all, aren’t the scripts suppose to be private? I do not want anyone including the staff team to look into my scripts. How can I trust them? By the way, who is gonna look into our scripts? Free models should be the only one that needs to be checked not scripts we haven’t told anyone about. Besides, what is a script gonna do? Make your game work that’s what! If the games are also moderated check on the scripts on that moderated game. It’s much better then some staff team that we don’t know if we could trust which high likely we could! To check our scripts that we may want no one to see.

I don’t think scripts should be held to the same standard as other assets, or what we write on the Developer forum.

This is a dismantling of trust that I am sure will cause many developers on Roblox to move to another platform. Players will never see our code, they will never be able to read our code, unless they are exploiting the game and have access to said code.

This is a waste of time, money, and resources, on Moderation on Roblox, an aspect of the site that does not have a positive rating among Roblox users due to Chat filters failing, users being unjustly banned because of something they did 8, 10 years ago, and also the fact that 99% of the Moderation team through Email is nothing but Bots that will 9 times out of 10 give you an out-of-context response to anything you send them, or they will just flat out ignore everything you’ve sent them and give you a generic paragraph in response.

This change should not be implemented and be removed as soon as possible.

No other game engine feels the need to snoop on their Developer’s code, so why must Roblox?

The only time I can see this being correctly used is IF it was used to moderate scripts that are published or open sourced to the Roblox marketplace, NOT closed-source games.

Instead of focusing on code moderation, you seriously need to focus on fixing your Moderation on everything else. Code moderation is pointless unless open sourced.


Roblox, a lot of us are completely upset about this update. There are countless of mistakes happening in other parts of moderation, yet we are focusing on scripts. How can someone be banned for using the f-word in his/her script to make a filter for their game? That doesn’t make sense. This also causes a HUGE problem because some of our personal information lies within these scripts! This will cause a major downfall in Roblox and may cause many developers to quit Roblox for the better. There is also no use of doing this, because no one else is going to read your code (except the developer or team or etc.). We don’t need this. This is completely useless. We need a BETTER Update. This is just causing more drama within the whole community and will have to make us reconsider developing games! We don’t even know any of these people who are looking at our code so why? There are so much more important moderation issues that need to be addressed over this, rather than moderation over scripts. This makes a huge downfall on Roblox. Why do you tell us now? If people got terminated from this and didn’t even know about this, why are you mentioning it now?

Overall, this is a useless update, and we hope Roblox reconsiders about this. We also need some more clarification as Roblox hasn’t sent us any updates regarding this thread…

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I think that the people stating that it is okay to review code when it’s in team create are missing the point.

If you don’t want them to see your code at all (the private server code, not public client code), then why would you be okay with them seeing your private code if it’s a team create?

  1. It’s hypocrisy; that’s still giving them permission to see information you don’t want anyone but yourself and your developers to see under a specific condition compared to another
  2. You are responsible for who you hire as a developer (who would have access to team create). If you hire a child and they put an… inappropriate message, you should be help responsible if, and only if, it is received by the client at any point.

Personally, I don’t support this. In our code, we have private things like Keys, Webhooks, etc. Why should we be trusting a random ROBLOX staff member to read our code? Our code is private. Like other developers have said, if no one except the developer of the game can see the code, why moderate it? In my opinion, this is also just a waste of time on ROBLOX’s part. Our script is supposed to be private to the developers of the game only.

And if we have a script that tries to CENSOR curse words, why should our games and accounts be deleted over that!?

The automatic moderation bots never come out with good results.


Everyone wants ROBLOX to reconsider this but well we all know ROBLOX for removing features we loved or adding ones we hate and not reverting them. This is going to be another one of their scandals but I really do hope that through the power of developers we can band together during this tough time.


I honestly, don’t even see the point of this. Not like anyone but your developer team. Will be seeing you’re code. This is honestly pretty much a waste of roblox’s features. Who ever coded the game should have a right to keep it private or not no matter, who’s looking over it. No matter if it’s roblox staff members but our code is our’s what we do is on us… Some of us have API related stuff, such as key’s. I don’t support this…

Yeah, not in favour of this at all. I’m kind of left in curiosity with questions like, “What if you use a script from a free model?” or “What exactly counts as a real life threat?”, after all it isn’t your code and so wouldn’t that just fall under the whole “making sure your code is your own” section of the criteria? And for the threats, I don’t exactly understand how you can threaten someone with a script.

I get this can be useful for those with decompiled games or so to speak but I believe the cons outweigh the pros of this feature too much.

Why are you wasting your moderation on our scripts? The code in our games is hidden and only the owner and players the owner allowed to edit the game through team create should be able to access the code. It’s not like any player can see it, unless the game is uncopylocked. Scripts never get leaked and exploiters can’t access those codes. Plugins that exploiters use copy all the parts in the game and the scripts but the plugin doesn’t copy the code and just keeps the script empty. Players who added scripts that blocks people from bypassing filters and blocks scams have gotten terminated. If these people are specially-trained they should be able to look at the code and realize it’s a script blocking certain phrases. In some of my games I have NPCs that have custom names and ages to make the game more realistic, that might seem like personal data to the reviewers.

This updates raises a lot of red flags for me and should probably be removed…


Out of fear of being moderated for having harmless webhooks, I took mine down. I am not taking any chances with this supposed “automated system” as it has wronged me way too many times before!


Can this check the code of free models and not our private code? Like if something gets uploaded to the toolbox check that stuff’s code not our stuff which is specifically private. This could also expose sensitive information like let’s say a moderator at ROBLOX decides to quit and what if he recorded somehow some personal information and leaked it… We can all agree that ROBLOX could use their moderation resources in many other places than scanning users code. Also it seems that ROBLOX is appealing to the people not the developers. You know those countless news articles of inappropriate content that a parent found on their child’s device well that’s what this is catering to. Roblox has turned into a corporation where they want to please the parents and media etc. instead of pleasing the life and soul of their platform.


Totally agree with you there. I’m going to remove every script in my game for fear of moderation and then put it in to a script protection system. We all know how bad ROBLOX Moderation is and even though they think they can do a rehaul of it? They can’t. Roblox doesn’t understand the player anymore and it’s got to a point we’re we can’t take it anymore.


The fact that this makes you want to remove code from your game is an indication that this is a major bad decision on Roblox’s end.

Is Roblox just going to sit here and ignore us? Without us they have no revenue. At least let us know that they are working on a response which will be out in a few days.

This is NOT JUST one of those controversial decisions that we will forget about in a month. This is a massive issue and we are not going to forget about it.


This is horrible, trying to do ROBLOX’s work for them and add more moderation to your game results in a ban…

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