Clarification on code flagged for safety review

I won’t leave this site for the life of me, but I won’t stay without the rights of privacy for others and myself.


I hope so, none of my code has anything bad anyway, its using a very trusted system that thousands of new developers are using

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Regardless of whether my code or others’ code could potentially have any kind of strong language or not in it, it’s still messed up that our privacy is still being invaded.


I think you’re alright since this system has been around for possibly 6 months or more.

Modifying your old scripts is more risky tbh.

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Well, I hope that Roblox fixes their hole up and no one gets banned when innocent, Imma hit the sack as its 3 AM

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I have a LOT of questions about this.
#1 Who are these ‘specially-trained teams’ that will be reviewing our scripts? I hope that they are a lot better than the normal moderators.
#2 What if the moderators read a script from an old game that may be a virus or something from a free model? Are you saying that me and other developers could get banned for that?
#3 If this has been going on for months, why are you just telling us now? You hide things from us a lot and don’t tell us. This needs to stop.
#4 What if we have private or personal information in our codes? I don’t want any of your moderators reading my code and I’m sure other people feel the same way. Roblox moderation has been terrible in the past, and I don’t think it will be improving any time soon.
#5 Who would be reading my codes anyway? Some exploiter or hacker? It’s not that bad if I have a variable in my code that has a name that may be slightly inappropriate.
#6 Are my games even safe anymore? Any Roblox moderator could just steel my scripts. This also makes it easier for hackers to get into people’s games.


I would argue that nothing on this platform can be considered “private”, and therefore you should apply the same philosophy towards in-game assets.

Private messages are moderated, in-game chats are moderated, everything else you upload to the platform is moderated. Having a specialised team moderating scripts for abusive content seems fair to me, especially considering you could add someone to team create at any time and they can be exposed to aforementioned content.

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Yes, but those things you mentioned (apart from scripts and models posted) are automated filtering. There is a very big difference between automated and manual filtering.

I’ve already done it to all of my places took me two days.


I have this inkling feeling that Roblox will resort to tossing the filter-system into all scripts, since there’s obviously a large-scale of developers with disparaging thoughts scattered in code among different places – whether they’re aware of them or not.


Anything that is reported on the site gets sent to a human moderator for manual review. That is my entire point – just as everything else on the site is, scripts are reviewed by humans when flagged, except by a more specialised team. If anything, that’s better than a moderator who may not understand Lua or scripting reviewing it.

Agreed, looking at our code is a huge waste of money, time and resources. We can all agree that there are much MUCH bigger problems than just looking at someones private code without their consent.

A few reasons Roblox is probably doing this is:

  • If you are putting inappropriate texts into your scripts, and not following the TOS, how can Roblox be sure you would follow the TOS, when what you say and what you do is public.
  • Also, by choosing to develop on Roblox you should automatically give Roblox some level of trust, not to mention, if you are putting private info into your scripts, that’s against the TOS.

Just putting this out there.

But isn’t it a bit risky to even publish anything when false-flagging exists?

I don’t understand your point. If something is false-flagged, then it will be deemed as having been false-flagged, and therefore there is no risk.

The only risk would be if it was an automated process reviewing all scripts and making a judgement with no chance of appeal.

Inappropriate text in scripts are not visible to the public (at least private) and also it was never stated against TOS


Honestly, I believe this is a waste of moderation power. There are already many major issues with moderation. This is just causing more and more paranoia to people working on games on Roblox. As stated by many others the code is meant to be private to the developers working on the game. If no one is going to see it then it shouldn’t be moderated. Instead of shielding some exploiter’s eyes that get to see our code they should work on fixing their moderation. Changes like these are driving people away from this platform. But as the change currently stands I personally disapprove of it.


That’s the exact issue. Roblox is now just asking developers to make an alt to develop their games on and then use place teleportation on your main account to have people play the very game you developed.

Roblox terminated me (1, 2, 3) with no warning so I guess I’ll have to go this route.

My point is that for something to be officily deemed false-flagged means that it has to be manually reviewed. Plus, I’d rather my code not be looked at unless I want it to be - Same goes for a bunch of others as well.

I totally agree with this, if it’s not open-sourced and never is going to be seen by a normal player then there is no reason for Roblox to be moderating our code.