Clarification on code flagged for safety review

Not relevant – you accept that Roblox can inspect your content by using Roblox since it’s in the TOS.


I understand that you wan‘t to make the platform as safe as possible but in my opinion this isn‘t the right way. I‘ve heard of people getting terminated because they tried to script another chat filter for their game that contained some bad words in it.
People will lose their whole progress because of those mistakes.
I also think that the Script/Code of someone is his Property (except if he‘s in team create)
The only good part in this update is that the scam games are going to have an end now and i like that.

My opinion on this update is a :-1: because of the problems it has.
Thanks for reading.

No they aren’t…? Why would scam games put slurs or PII in their code?


it is still relevant if copyright laws are included, first take a read at the us copyright laws then look at copyright canada laws as example to compare example, other country copyright laws matter for this, as this fully relates to this update and its copyright to the creators code.

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They might include terms like “Free robux” or “Password” and those might get flagged.


I wouldn’t want a third party looking at my code that I’ve written in game. According to Roblox wiki, Roblox outsources it’s moderation to a third party that moderates different sites with different guidelines, which could be a reason why people consider Roblox’s moderation bad. There will be sure a lot of false positives and possibly some COIs and there will be nothing to prevent a rogue moderator from copying and pasting code and selling it to other Roblox users, and possibly people outside of Roblox.


It could be that the script includes stuff like „free robux“ etc. But you‘re reply also makes sense.

Some very bad speculation going on right here that is not constructive.

  1. You’re assuming from a non-official source about how Roblox outsources its moderation. It’s likely correct, but that’s still speculation.

  2. They specifically state they have a separate team for these reviews that is trained specifically for these reviews. This means they won’t have the same moderators who plow through asset queues on these same reviews.

  3. There is absolutely no reason to believe there will be many false positives. Looks like they’ve been maintaining this policy for a while now and I haven’t personally heard of this affecting any large number of users. The cases in this topic seems anecdotal and it’s typical for people to bend the truth about why they were moderated, so I’m not necessarily going to buy anything said by these anecdotal few people.

Please stick to the facts and don’t devolve into useless speculation about these things. Roblox knows fully well how sensitive it is going to be to look into someone’s code, so they will refrain from doing it if not deemed highly necessary to do so. They are not doing this because they enjoy doing it or because they want to take down honest games, and they won’t, and in the anecdotal very rare case that it does happen in a bad case, you just contact support/devrel to have it appealed.


Sending scripts trough the chat filter is probably the worst thing i’ve ever heared, roblox tags so much stuff that isn’t innapropiate and adding this would just make so many scripts become barley readable unless you have the power to unobfuscate it. Moderating private content makes no sense, it’s like not letting you enter a kids park because you swore in a private conversation.


Why exactly do we need random Roblox Moderators to look over our code? This doesn’t make any sense. Many developers have special code written, and to ruin it you make this update? Unbelievable.


Does this count for every script you have ever made?
Make it be able to detect virusses and backdoors, if it’s potentially a virus/backdoor, send it to the same individuals that check for inappropriate stuff.


by BuildThomas‘s reply:

They specifically state they have a separate team for these reviews that is trained specifically for these reviews. This means they won’t have the same moderators who plow through asset queues on these same reviews.

Oh ok. So just live with the fact that Roblox terminated my account…

Just make a new account, you won’t leave Roblox. /s

I’m going to quit Roblox if I can’t get resolution or my account appealed. This is the second time I’ve gotten terminated over something that I couldn’t resolve. My first account lost my Lua Top Hat that I got from being on the Roblox Scripting Helpers forum. Now I’m terminated instantly over something I put into studio.


I apologize for what happened to you, but this is an isolated case that you have already discussed at length. Bringing it up as an argument point against the change made here is not contributory anymore.

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This is not correct, as exploiters do not receive source code or variable names from decompiled code.

You do know that you need your Roblox account to access the DevForum if you didn’t login before?

There could be a handful of other developers that are locked out of replying to this thread.

What content you have in your script shouldn’t terminate you, period.


Again, according to this policy, it does not. Please contain your discussion to the relevant thread you have already made about this matter.


Alright. Guess I’ll keep waiting since I’ve already waited 2 months for help with my appeal.

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If I may ask, what exactly did you get banned for?

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