Classic Blocky S15 Rigs [Skinned meshes]

so basically this?

Is there any way to fix this problem from happening?
I’m using a viewportframe to show the players character.

Do you have a WorldModel displaying the Humanoid rig?

Quick question: how do you apply these to preexisting rigs in Studio?

Weird question but how were you able to achieve the skinned mesh/deformation effect without the use of bones?

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@ellieflopper Minor issue, I cant figure out how to reference a bodypart. When i disable the loadrigonplayer function i works correctly. Why cant I set children to a bodypart?

There’s still a skeleton, it’s just hidden. When you import a model that follows the R15 spec it hides the bones unless you specify that it’s a custom rig.

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See this: Skinning a Humanoid Model | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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