Classic Blocky S15 Rigs [Skinned meshes]

Care to elaborate a little more? I’m guessing that’s probably why there’s very little but troll stuff so far.

as other people have said, there a whole shopping list of things to check off which is an extremely tedious process.

luckily the base rig already met most of these but for someone starting from scratch i could see it not being worth the time and effort to go through the whole process. all of that effort just to upload at an extremely low price compared to the amount of work put in thanks to roblox not setting a minimum price which is causing an immediate race to the bottom. also thats on top of only getting 30% of robux per sales.

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I bet its difficult but if you get it working it has to be worth it! especially if you make it early because there is not much competition right now. if its free a lot of people will use it. same with 15 robux or 30. But I bet you would have tons of sales even if it was priced at 99, 80, or 150. maybe even 250!

Saw someone post your rig on the store as Off Sale. Clothing only works on the UpperTorso, weirdly
Was this your idea? Or what happened here?

hey yeah me and dvdko are getting them up, were having issues getting them past moderation. hoping to get them up without modesty layers but its not looking good

the torso thing isnt intentional its probably something to do with the modesty layer

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Shame that people can just repost the template avatars over and over again but everyone else is going through hell for no reason.

There’re already a few humanoid avatars that have no modesty layer at all, yet they went through fine. Aren’t there actual humans looking through these this time around?

Hoping for the best, but if you’re saying it’s not looking good, that really sucks.

idk they can apparently be really inconsistent with what they dont allow so were just praying our case is just a part of that inconsistency. one of the broken versions dvd uploaded that got through moderation was entirely your characters skin tone except for the upper torso.

process may take a while since they only go through moderation at a certain time everyday

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Few small UV Mapping issues I wanna report.

The UP and DOWN portions of the Torso aren’t completely covered by the UV Mapping.

And the back of the Hands and Feet are misaligned.


On another note, it seems like stuff is still going through moderation as of this post.

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It’s finally up as a bundle on the Avatar Shop!

Sadly we weren’t able to add smooth shading similar to R6 due to it causing shading problems when there was layered clothing on a players avatar.

You’ll have to buy 2 separate bundles to get the full rig without any modesty layers.



Damn shame. The black bar basically ruins it, but the limbs alone are worth the price.
Sad that you guys gave up, but the blame isn’t on you.

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I had an idea; put another bundle of thats the same, but the modesty is on the legs? So if you use the torso on that, theres none?

Someone made a blocky rig with a modesty layer that was transparent, and it got accepted.
I don’t know if they’d re-release the rig just to fix that, since everyone already bought it and stuff, but idk

youre not allowed to have the modesty layer be transparent, those bundles shouldnt be up. also i doubt the leg modesty would work but who even knows with how inconsistent moderation is

They’ve taken down bundles already, if they wanted to take them down, they probably would’ve.
Hell, one of the first and top selling UGC bundles doesn’t even have one and it’s pretty humanoid buff guy - Roblox

were gunna try this out just to see how it goes, will update

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So if it does end up coming out, would people have to buy the bundle at full price again?

most likely theyll be the same price yeah

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we got them up! can now use the full rigs without a modesty layer

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Questions: Are we allowed to redistribute the models (I’m assuming not, but just asking), Can we modify the meshes of the rigs (for example replace part of the rig with another mesh) and use it? Thanks!

Wow you managed to make a better product than roblox themselves