All of the following accessories are designed in a way that requires an off-sale head to be able to be used properly. Given the fact that some items are still listed for sale on the Marketplace, it would be great to see old heads return to the Marketplace in order to make them usable again.
*blockhead is still on sale
or at least was as of 2023 when I made an alt and bought at the time every free roblox-made item
Would love to see these go back on sale. Why did they take them off sale? Is there a reason or is it Roblox being Roblox?
These were made off sale for some reason. But it was no error, this was intentionial. I believe there was even a blog post about it.
Caveat emptor: not all existing ROBLOX hats work well with all head shapes. You will have to mix and match to find out which combinations look awesome and which don’t work. In the future we may make hats specifically for the heads that are hard to place normal ROBLOX hats on.
– Telamon
This quote highlights the importance these heads serve for other items.
I also agree with this. Many catalog items such as Tiny Top Hat were designed using specific classic heads in mind to make them fit, and with Roblox creating a new classic face (Snowflake Eyes) after so long I don’t see why classic heads couldn’t also make a return seeing how they were taken offsale for no reason.
This sounds more likely to be a feature request rather than a bug…
Usually, accessories are taken away from the possibilities of being purchased if they have a deadline. For this case, since there are no public statements, it is possible to be returned on sale if you create a feature request.
If you want to make one, a Roblox employee says that you should use this category, #feature-requests:website-features, since they don’t intend to expand the subcategories of #feature-requests.
Whilst I can agree that it seems like a feature request, If Roblox will offsale items that met a deadline and did not properly go offsale, It can only be assumed that items that were falsely forced offsale should be treated with the same respect.
I believe that both classic and dynamic heads should be given. Some games simply do not support dynamic faces and/or are using R6.
Did you mean to reply to this thread? This ones particularly about old classic heads nothing about dynamics.
Ah, I mistook the heads and faces because the dynamics are just called heads, sorry.
People like you need punishment for misusing bug reports
Whats wrong with this bug report ?
its a solid reason with useful intent. Many classic faces require certain heads,
just curious as your the only one to present negative feedback on this so far.
The issue is that it is not a bug it is more like a feature request trying to pass itself as a bug because ROBLOX prioritizes posts in #bug-reports than in #feature-requests
I hate to be one of those saying this is not a bug report, but this should go in feature requests if anything.
I would love those heads to be coming back, but I think posting this under bug reports is only going to cause more issues, and Roblox staff might consider not bringing this back because of it
Someone will have to post it there, more peoplek have access to bug reports so this will never get brought up because no one is posting it in feature requests
Due to the onsale/offsale item part or aspect technically it can flag as a catalog asset bug though
I believe this might be my last reply to this post, but I will make a feature request for those who want to see the classic faces back on sale.
Once again, being on sale/off sale without a public reason doesn’t mean it is a bug report. An example that is an actual bug is your post in regards to the wings of Tate McRae not being limited, despite the concert hub stating that it was, but only a few years later it was solved.
Okay I’ll just make my first and last reply to everyone, obliviously I do agree with feedback that it should be moved to feature requests, I know some people have been getting pretty heated and angry over the post so I thank anyone who responded with criticism without it being emotionally charged. And I’ll just be deleting the post and if anyone would like to make a feature request on it then go right ahead, hope you all have a pleasant day.