oh i saw it i just forgot to take a look at it, ill let you know if i fix it
WOW, Really good! might give it a shot in the future.
No rush man your doing an awesome job.
I found an answer to this question here:
this happens when there is rthro proportions applied to your character, will look at a way to fix it but id most likely need to make an entirely new rig specifically for rthro
Ah didn’t know that, I’ll remove the rthro proportions and try again
Edit: That worked!
If there were such a thing as a “world-class asset,” this would definitely be one of them. This is really impressive! Looking forward to Rthro scaling support & other bundles!
oh thats awesome, howd you go about fixing that?
I just changed the Neck attatchment’s position on your rig
Wow! This is so cool. Are you thinking about doing 3.0 male and female bodys too?
oh weird, when i did that it didnt work
Damn, this is amazing!
Also, is this fixable?
I fixed the rig to be used for Layered Clothing. Wasn’t as hard as I thought.
Here’s the file for anyone who wants to try it out!
S15_LayeredClothing.rbxm (57.9 KB)
Could you release the blend file for this? I’ve been trying to figure out how this works for AGES. Also, cool rig.
Been a while since I’ve last updated this post, sadly I no longer have the time to keep working on this rig since its hugely time consuming. I’ve decided to make the blend files public so anyone can check out how its done and update it yourself if you want to. If you do, I would love to see it!
Some issues I have ran into with it so you know what to expect in advance:
- UV mapping is kinda sloppy around the wrists and feet
- Still doesn’t scale with Rthro since that scales the hands and feet bigger, would likely have to make an entirely new rig for it
- I haven’t updated it to include cage meshes, but @Dvyz has made a version with it
Classic S15 Rig [Skinned Meshes] - #69 by Dvyz
Non hand weighed:
ClassicS15-AnimationNoHands.blend (1.8 MB)
Hand weighed:
ClassicS15-Animation.blend (1.8 MB)
How did you get your model you shared to load?
I put it in ServerScriptService, LoadRigOnPlayer, changed that script to use it, but I get the error
’ 16:02:49.703 Unable to cast string to token - Server - LoadRigOnPlayer:14
16:02:49.704 Stack Begin - Studio
16:02:49.704 Script ‘ServerScriptService.LoadRigOnPlayer’, Line 14 - Studio - LoadRigOnPlayer:14
16:02:49.704 Stack End - Studio
line 14 is
humanoid:ReplaceBodyPartR15(part.Name, part:Clone())
How do I make it work? I put it in studio, and noting happens.
This looks amazing and feels amazing! I may actually use this in the future.