Click play to end cutscene and spawn in

Tween has to be your function to fully connect

I added that to the script, but it did not work.

How would I write it then if I add wait for child?

Does the button appear when the cutscene finishes?

Tween is not something like a tween the argument is the player not tween

this gui is on the screen from when you join to when you would click play. In the background is the camera moving from place the place all around the map. I want it so when you join you don’t spawn until you click play, and when you click play the gui disables and the camera switched to the classic camera of your player.

robloxapp-20220510-1858148.wmv (4.2 MB)

So the Tween supposably works?
If so then you’ll need to add a task.wait([wait time]) then add this below task.wait

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
Player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame =[you position])
Player.PlayerGui.PlayButton1.Enabled = false
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Where would you want me to place this script? Under the current camera script or a new script under the PlayButton?

A new local script inside of the PlayButton1 Gui

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Do I keep this under the camera script?

you would remove that, due to it not working (I think)

This did not seem to work when I tried.

Could you show the error inside of the Developer Console?

Ah thats the error, you would replace [you position] with the position of a block

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Should I go into the game to get the developer console?

And the block will be placed where you want people to spawn

Then you get the position of the block in properties, then copy it, remove [you position] with that Position you just copied

I have multiple spawn points. Would I just do this for all the positions?