add this above the code
local SpawnPos = {
Postion#1 -- Remove this with positon#1 and add a ; after it and copy and paste it with all of the postions
and replace all of the Positions inside of the with this, #SpawnPos)
Test this and see if it works
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Where would I place this in the script?
Above the script with the
The Table is in the correct area
but add this where you see “[])” (also delete the []), #SpawnPos)
Like this if this is correct:
That would be correct, now test to see if theres any errors
The camera did not switch to the player camera and the gui is still there.
In the other local script
did you fully connect the Tween function?
How would I check if I did that?
To connect a function you’ll put tween() to run the function
(and put this at the end of the script)
And what would I put at the end of the script?
At the end of your script you would place it
Like this if it goes under the camera script
May 10, 2022, 11:55pm
put the loop or function that plays the cutscene inside a coroutine and connect your playbutton to a mousebutton1clicked event to close said coroutine
Can you record a video or take screenshots on how to do that please?
May 11, 2022, 12:19pm
local CutsceneCoro = coroutine.create(function()
--place your cutscene code here
coroutine.resume(CutsceneCoro) -- Start running coroutine, they don't start by themselves
coroutine.close(CutsceneCoro) -- Close the coroutine so it stops running your cutscene code
--Place the code that spawns the player here
Take a look at the docs
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