Wow this update is great! and so close to what ive asked for in the past, wish it was possible to customise pre-existing bundles on the roblox catalog such as the classic packages like man,woman,boy,girl, but have the option to adjust each individual part and head too, also making accessories match skintone or be customiasable as pezmistic said would be very cool
Thanks for your report; I’ll fix the issue with being able to click the button multiple times in quick succession. I’ll also look into other cases where there might be memory budget issues.
If I made my own version of this experience, using the template now provided to us via the “edit in Studio” button, and wanted to make characters only by myself - would I still need ID + premium? I mean if the experience is solely only for me, I will be the only person creating avatars within the experience, would that still require me making a token that needs ID + premium. I’ve seen certain avatars uploaded to the catalog already with this feature by users who don’t have the premium icon on their profiles, meaning they’re missing at least premium and possibly ID (can’t confirm that but isn’t both needed anyways). How have these users managed this, as I’d also like to upload my own custom meshes for bodies and would this get my account into trouble or is this perfectly allowed? Thank you.
@Krant_dv Thanks for the question
Each of these creations go through our moderation systems to make sure that avatars are safe and compliant with our terms of service. If people create inappropriate avatars, they’re subject to the consequences that come with making inappropriate content, and will not receive the avatar they tried to create.
Thanks for the follow up! I hear you on how having a single token for multiple price points would support the use of IP in those cases.
The thinking here was in trying to create some consistency with how things are listed on the Avatar Marketplace, where if you had two different listings – say one that’s your own original and one that includes IP that you have a deal to incorporate – those are two different listings, which require publishing two avatar bodies (which each come with their own Publishing Advance and Publishing Fee). In the case of wanting two different price points to cover the royalty payments, currently the best way to do that would be having an additional token tied to the higher priced IP (and then also be able to directly track sales more easily on Creator Dashboard, too, so they’re not mixed between the two offerings).
And thanks for providing that use case of saving unfinished characters with the name/description in-experience. We’ll take a look and weigh out the tradeoffs to allowing developers to offer default name/descriptions for creations - thanks for sharing that info.
For your other questions:
- Prompt asset updates (like updating the description) with the user’s approval.
We’d like to enable updating assets, though need to work out how this would work (and any updates would have to come with the user’s approval, as you mentioned).
- Control whether the user is allowed to sell / trade their created character.
This also something could be really interesting! We’d need to make sure we do it the right way with appropriate protections in place, but is an interesting idea.
- Deal with potentially problematic creations; such as creations that use IP inappropriately and are only realised after the fact; potentially by removing the character from the player and refunding the user from the developer’s own-pocket. Albeit the specifics here would need to be worked out to prevent abuse.
Currently, our system for dealing with problematic creations is either through filing a Report or the Rights Manager depending on the nature of the issue. Once the creation has been submitted to the platform, it’s subject to the same rules as other Bodies on the platform.
- Enforce metadata, such as copyright notices in the description.
The description is meant to be for the user creating the content, just as it is for people who create assets and bundles for the Avatar Marketplace. Typically, we would not use this space to enforce metadata.
- Receive commissions from future sales / trades, if that is ever enabled.
If we did pursue the ability for developers to enable players to sell creations they made in-experience, we would take a comprehensive look at what monetization models make the most sense and would likely consider an array of options.
Hey! So in this scenario, you would still need ID + premium, even if it was only for you to create an avatar in the experience. For submitting a UGC Avatar from Studio, you would need to be ID verified, and for allowing this in-experience, the developer must be ID verified and Premium.
The people you mention who have added avatars to their inventory are players in the experience, who do not need to be verified/ID-verified, but the developer who made the experience must meet those requirements.
Thanks a lot for checking this out! Let us know if you have any other questions we can answer.
Ah, I see! Thank you for the clarification! I do have another question which is a little off topic but still does kinda apply to this post; would ROBLOX ever consider any other ways to gain UGC access besides ID + verification? I used to be in the programme when it was application based and I loved creating for the catalog but I simply cannot create UGC anymore due to the ID + premium entry fee. With this new update, I’d love to make avatar bundles and share them as I simply love creating 3D models and would like to share my more realistic style of bundles with the platform. Would there ever possibly be a sort of way to create UGC and bundles, including using this update, without these 2 requirements in the future? Thank you!
Will this be for R6 avatars or R15 (non-rthro) avatars too?
I look forward to what roblox artists can do with this feature. I can’t lie but I was really disappointed when I saw that you have to pay in order to test this thing out in other games.
it doesnt let me change the meshes to something I own to change the character
Non rthro avatars are supported; the AvatarPartScaleType StringValue value inside the body parts being published can be set to “Classic” to publish an Avatar with classic R15 scaling rules.
Currently, R6 is unsupported because the body parts must be created using WrapDeformer, which is built on top of our layered clothing technology. Since R6 uses CharacterMesh rather than MeshParts with WrapTargets, it does not work with this system.
If I decide that I want the scaling of my avatar to be different, will I be able to simply go to the roblox avatar editor to customize my scaling? Or will I have to rebuy the avatar with different scaling?
For Avatar Scaling, you can make the same adjustments in the platform avatar editor that you can with an avatar you purchase on the Marketplace: Body Type, Body Size, and Head Size.
Any additional tweaks that go beyond what’s available there would require purchasing a new avatar with your desired scaling.
This is unfortunate to hear. I hope to eventually see a section for advanced scaling options in the platform avatar editor in the future, but regardless, thank you for answering.
This may be kind of a strange question but if we scale our characters will we have the same hitbox and if we wouldn’t could we change that in our own experience.
@red_feon sure thing! Avatars created in-experience follow the same logic as any platform avatar, and you’re able to adjust the hitbox of avatars in your experience in Avatar Settings. Read more about it here
Thanks I just wanted to make everyone have the same hitbox so there would be no advantage so everyone can wear what they want without being nerfed.
What is the link of this game? I’m really curious, it’s an amazing work game! If not, it’s okay.
That is a mockup, is not real.
It’s a Roblox employee only it’s like a show for the features.