Client Initiated disconnect

Recently we re-opened our border game after an influx of exploiters raiding the game, We fixed those issues and made the game fully public after having it under a whitelist for that short period it was being fixed.

Since our launch we’ve had server crashes with the message “Client Initiated disconnect” with nothing else except an (Error Code: 285)

Is this something we did on our end or is something happening over at roblox again?



Same, my game is also occuring this issue aswell


This happened once to my game but only after I used the shutdown all servers option, I thought it was weird as I had never seen it before. It must be an issue on robloxs end?


That is where we have appeared to be receiving these issues from.


Any updates on this issue? it’s still happening again on our game :pensive:

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No updates unfortunately, I haven’t had it happen more than once. Are there any scripts that could do this in the game or maybe a game setting?

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So, recently Roblox just shutdown all games for maintenance (maybe fix the teleportation issue) and then I tried to teleport in my game just to see if its already fixed and it’s working pretty well.


I’ll have my team do a few random shutdowns see if we can reproduce the bug still on our end.


Unsure if this is helpful as you seem to already have a decent amount of responses pointing you in the right direction, although I believe I just experienced this in my game as well and more information wouldn’t hurt.

For myself, it seemed to appear when I joined a server in my game that was about to shutdown (ie. there was one person in that server, they left the game whilst I was in the middle of joining). Unsure if it’s related but I’d assume similar behavior to artificially shutting down Roblox servers as well as them naturally shutting down when no players are in them.

Does your game have any code it runs when a server shuts down?


Sorry to bump but i wanna confirm to make sure its probably safe to say this is revolved? We haven’t had many reports regarding this.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe the problem is resolved. I just had it happen on another game, it’s very strange.

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I keep experiencing this issue when connecting to games and it seems to relate to awful response times/connections through the provider used by Roblox. I can see response times ~2000ms when doing a trace route (tracert for info) to the Roblox server IP and it always goes awol somewhere in the network.

Come on Roblox, you are a $B company, stop cheaping out with your network provider.


Honestly I agree, they have the money to stop cheaping out, and yet in 2022, they still have awful connection stability.


Yeah, Somehow I’m getting this error on some games.