Client-side Animations Contribute to Server-side stepAnimatedJoints MicroProfiler Label

In our experience, we strictly play the animations for our custom avatars exclusively on the client. Since as far back as we can recall ( > 1 month ago ), we’ve been observing the stepAnimatedJoints label on server-side MicroProfiler logs. Despite playing animations solely on the client, stepAnimatedJoints consists of a double digit percentage of our servers’ CPU time.

The affected experience in question:

Expected behavior

The server-side stepAnimatedJoints label should not be contributed to by client-side animations.

A private message is associated with this bug report

Thank you for the profile dump and repro case. We profiled the animation system with our internal tools and found a few optimizations that will be rolling out over the next few weeks–this should improve the perf of large animated rigs in general.