Latest Major Update - The Car Insurance Update
10/17/2020 - A Frightful Feeling Update
Update Log
- Halloween is here! The default map (“The Classic”) has been temporarily switched over to “Frightful”!
- All players own Frightful and The Classic for free, play whichever one you prefer!
- Noobs have a chance to drop candy! Collect candy to earn rare badges. Collect 100 candy to receive a special item!
- New Halloween-themed hats and body colors in the shop!
- New enemies, bounties, and boss!
- New consumable ~ Witches’ Brew
- New tool ~ Torch
- Special thanks to @Shedletsky for the map’s general format and geometry
- Special thanks to @l_uxx for some OST
- Special thanks to @Reverse_Polarity for the UGC enemy hats
- Wowie, a new map - and it’s a Roblox classic! Frightful will be around during the Halloween event ONLY. After the Halloween event it will be removed from the map pool.
- Frightful is the first-ever “event” map. Event maps have PVP-disabled - everyone can be friends and work together!
- Frightful comes with 2 new noobs, 5 new map-exclusive bounties, and 1 new boss!
- Noob Plague ~ damage decreased from 5 to 2.5 HP per second
- Rocket Launcher (nerf) ~ damage decreased from 85 to 65 HP per hit
- Rocket Launcher (nerf) ~ blast radius decreased from 18 studs to 15 studs
- Sniper Rifle (nerf) ~ crit damage decreased from 100 to 50 HP
- Sniper Rifle (nerf) ~ range reduced from 450 studs to 300 studs
- Sniper Rifle (buff) ~ shot delay decreased from 1 second to .5 seconds
- Revolver (buff) ~ reload time decreased from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds
- Revolver (buff) ~ crit damage increased from 30 to 35 HP
- Combat Shotgun (buff) ~ reload time decreased from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Player save data should now be more reliable when saving and loading
- Player save data should now be more reliable when a player hasn’t played in a while
- Grenades no longer play explosion SFX when returned to the shop
- Grenades no longer play explosion SFX when a player respawns
- Certain bounty mugshots are no longer invisible on specific maps
- Blinder Noobs, Coal Noobs, and Snowball Noobs no longer fire when loaded in for a mugshot
- Speed Demon no longer speeds up noobs when loaded in for a mugshot
- Fixed “Rainbow” weapon paint not loading in the shop
- Mannequins have faces on Ghost Town again
- Projectile weapons and explosive grenades now break unanchored map parts (not cars, noobs, or players)
- R-Base removed from the visible map pool (it’s still in development, don’t worry)
- Rocket projectiles now have lights to make them more visible
- The weapon shop now correctly lists weapon range + weapon spread in “studs” instead of no units
- The weapon shop now correctly lists melee weapon lunge probability as a probability and not a single number
- The weapon shop now correctly lists throwable fuse time in seconds instead of no units
- The weapon shop now correctly lists throwable throw speed in “studs per second” instead of no units
- The weapon shop now correctly lists throwable damage and melee damage in “HP” instead of no units
- The character shop now has owned $N near the top
- Player bounties removed for the Halloween event
- Bloxy Cola can no longer use paints
10/19/2020 - Patch #1
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Projectile healing weapons now work properly in event maps
- Explosive projectile weapons now properly break unanchored map pieces
- Explosive healing weapons now correctly count player health healed
- Projectile healing weapons no longer give player kill credit
- Healing throwables can no longer provide overheal
- Healing throwables now correctly count player health healed
- Hitscan healing weapons now count rounded health healed instead of ignoring it
- Health coloring now goes green > yellow > orange > red > black instead of green > orange > yellow > red > black
- Halloween candy SFX no longer plays globally when collected
- Abandoned Avenue ownership should now properly save/load
- Players can no longer “steal” slain noobs or player kills - doing damage to a target shortly before it dies makes a player eligible for rewards
- Health coloring is more accurate and more script-efficient
- Noob item drop rates are now more variable (less of the same thing over and over and over)
- Noob cosmetics are now more variable
- Noob plague chance is now more variable
- Weapons share a code library for the same functionalities (aka easier for @cloakedyoshi to fix stuff)
11/08/2020 - Patch #2
Patch Notes
- The Halloween event is over
- Boss Noobs now have dialog when spawning
- Halloween hats removed from the character shop
- Witches’ Brew is now only available for people who collected 100+ candy during the event
- Witches’ Brew is now priced at $N 30
- Curing Cane is now priced at $N 25
01/23/2021 - Patch #3
Patch Notes
- Replaced swoosh.wav for the Medkit tool, the Coal Noob, and for the Snowball Noob
06/04/2021 - Patch #4
Patch Notes
- The Noob Plague now has a visual screen indicator
- Noob Boomer code refactored
- Noob Boomer ring optimized
- Noob Boomers can now boom and kick (on a cooldown) with both feet
06/05/2021 - The Vaporwave Update
Update Log
This update would not be possible without the contributions of @dudemanextremer and @Frankly_Fran.
- Added new community-contributed map - "The '90s"
- New melee weapon ~ Bust
- New enemy ~ Anomaly
- New digital-themed hats added to the shop!
The '90s
- Special thanks to @Frankly_Fran and @dudemanextremer for creating the map!
- Special thanks to @Monstercat and @l_uxx for the music
- The '90s comes with 1 brand-new noob and the revival of some retired noobs!
- All Melees (buff) ~ healing rate increased from 33% to 50%
- Autobow (buff) ~ ammo increased from 10 to 20
- Laser Gun (buff) ~ reload speed decreased from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds
- Fish (buff) ~ slash damage increased from 2.5 HP to 6 HP
- Frying Pan (buff) ~ slash damage increased from 5 HP to 10 HP
- Paint Popper (nerf) ~ ammo decreased from 30 to 20
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause permanently dead noobs
- Fixed a bug that could cause infinitely stacking Noob Plague UI indicators
- Noobs can no longer sit in seats
- Noob combat functionality optimized
- Noob customization functionality optimized
- Optimized Hydra splitting logic
- Shop now correctly lists projectile lifetime as “Projectile Lifetime” instead of just “Lifetime”
- Shop now correctly lists projectile lifetime units in seconds instead of nothing
- When teleporting to another map, all other map tiles in the shop are now blacked out
1 Like
09/12/2021 - The Car Insurance Update
Yes, the TDTNTOR series now does cover car insurance. For legal reasons, this is a joke.
Special thanks to @Red_Stratobloxxer, @MrCaptainDoodles, and @WhyLolHey2 for creating the “Banland” map!
Update Log
- Added new community-contributed map - “Banland”
- Added perks! Levels and prestiges now have purpose.
- Cars and Horsies have been balanced to be sidegrades - it now all comes down to preference!
- Added an unhealthily large amount of performance and bug fixes!
- Special thanks to @Red_Stratobloxxer, @MrCaptainDoodles, and @WhyLolHey2 for creating the map!
- Banland comes with 5 brand-new enemies! Though, you may’ve met them before.
- Car (buff) ~ Driving into living creatures at high speeds deals damage to those creatures
- Car (buff) ~ Added a passenger seat on the back of the trunk
- Car (buff) ~ Noobs can no longer punch players out of cars
- Car (buff) ~ Turn speed doubled
- Car (buff) ~ Max speed increased by 25%
- Car (nerf) ~ Shooting the front of the car with a non-projectile gun destroys the engine! Destroying the engine causes a car to explode.
- Car (nerf) ~ Shooting the tires of the car with a non-projectile gun destroys the tires! Destroying a tire slows the car down, and destroying all four tires destroys the engine.
- Car (nerf) ~ Riding on the front of the car is significantly more dangerous due to the above changes. This means that there will likely only be 1-2 players using a singular car instead of teams of 3+.
- Horsie (buff) ~ Players gain 50 additional MaxHealth while on horseback, that additional health is removed when dequipping a mount
- Horsie (buff) ~ Shooting a mount with healing weapons deals headshot heals to the player riding it
- Horsie (nerf) ~ Shooting a mount deals headshot damage to the player riding it - both armed noobs and armed players will be more menacing!
- Horsie (nerf) ~ Meleeing a mount deals melee damage to the player riding it
Bug Fixes
- Mounts can no longer be equipped while sitting in a vehicle
- You can no longer “use” paint (and waste $N) to do nothing to an unpaintable item
- The Car’s back wheels now properly turn and accelerate again instead of dragging on the ground
- Player data will no longer be overridden if DataStoreService fails
- Added error checking to recover from errors when TeleportService fails - this means the shop will not break when a teleport fails
- Added error checking to recover from errors when MarketplaceService fails - this means the shop can no longer break when painting an item, buying a gamepass-only accessory, or buying a map
- Added error checking to recover from errors when BadgeService fails - this means the shop can no longer break when buying a badge-only item
- Player characters can no longer spawn before the shop is fully loaded
- The main menu’s tutorial will now always be in the same order
- Fixed the ability for Snowball Noobs to throw snowballs
- The nuke disaster no longer destroys terrain
- Added special thanks to the in-game about section
- Optimized how the shop displays the information of items, mounts, maps, and paints
- Optimized how the shop displays a player’s $N value
- Optimized how player mounts are equipped
- Optimized how player maps load, the shop no longer yields for 5 seconds before updating
- Optimized how player exp, level, prestiges, and $ are updated on the UI
- Optimized how disasters are updated on the UI
- Touchscreen devices now display player prestige + level in the top right instead of the bottom right
- Increased the listed difficulty of “Ghost Town” in the shop from 3 stars to 4 stars
09/13/2021 - Patch #1
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the gamepass indicator for character customization
- Fixed perk PVP reduction for melee weapons
- Fixed self-damage with PVP reduction perks
- The snowy ceiling on Banland will no longer block projectiles
09/14/2021 - Patch #2
Patch Notes
- Banland’s enemies feel a bit too easy… let’s shake it up a little
- Glitch ~ max HP increased from 75 to 100
- Glitch Mutant ~ max HP increased from 25 to 75
- Glitch Buff ~ max HP increased from 150 to 500
- Glitch Buff ~ now spawns with either the Crossbow, Burstbow, Shotbow, or Autobow
- Glitch Lumber ~ damage increased from 35 to 125
- Glitch Mutants are now drastically different visually from other glitch enemies
- Added more hat options for glitch enemies
09/19/2021 - Patch #3
Patch Notes
- General quality of life and polishing, nothing major
Bug Fixes
- Added proper error checking for music logic
- Added proper error checking for the intro cutscene
- Animations are now properly preloaded - this means your first reload, crouch, etc. will no longer have no animation
- Optimized logic for the core CND game loop
- Optimized logic that decides which music to play
10/16/2021 - Patch #4
Patch Notes
- Frightful is now the default map until November 8th
11/16/2021 - Patch #5
Patch Notes
- “The Classic” is now the default map
- Disabled PVP on “The Classic”
- Fixed a possible missing face texture on Buff Noobs
03/13/2022 - Patch #6
Patch Notes
- Ensured all SFX will comply with Roblox’s new guidelines
The 90’s
- Removed a “copywritten” song by Monstercat uploaded by Monstercat themselves, sure, that makes sense
04/06/2022 - Patch #7
Patch Notes
Polishing + QoL
Replaced and/or restored the following sounds:
- Default Hitmarker
- Shooting a car hull
- Laser Gun + Shhh Reload
- Sniper + M16 Equip
04/16/2022 - Patch #8
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a visual floating point error for perk stats in the shop
07/10/2022 - Patch #9
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Rare achievements now properly recheck in the rare case a player accidentally exceeds the requirement too quickly
08/19/2022 - Patch #10
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue which could allow players to access “The Sandbox” for free
10/10/2022 - Patch #11
11/08/2022 - Patch #12
12/16/2022 - Patch #13
Patch Notes
Polishing + QoL
- Visually enhanced the exterior of the police station to match TDTNTOR 2
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a missing material on the duck pond
01/05/2023 - Patch #14
Patch Notes
Polishing + QoL
- Converted CND to use the new CollisionGroups API
01/31/2023 - Patch #15
Patch Notes
Polishing + QoL
- Removed some questionably-produced commissioned “OST”
02/20/2023 - Patch #16
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Resolved keyboard navigation doing multiple UI clicks with a single “enter”
- Added a temporary fix for controller navigation in UIs
Polishing + QoL
- Improved keyboard navigation in UIs
Lava Lake
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Removed a deleted song
Ghost Town
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Fixed the freakishly large lore notes
03/10/2023 - Patch #17
Patch Notes
Polishing + QoL
- Implemented further UI navigation improvements for keyboards and gamepads
- Removed temporary fix for controller navigation in UIs
04/01/2023 - Patch #18
Patch Notes
Polishing + QoL
- Re-enabled PVP on the default map
04/19/2023 - Patch #19
Patch Notes
The '90s
Polishing + QoL
- Added “Nebulous’ Lament” (by DJIVVI) to the music pool
06/11/2023 - Patch #20
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Fixed a bug with ranged weapons on touchscreen devices which could cause nonsensical shooting
08/21/2023 - Patch #21
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Fixed a bug with the “Witches Brew” which could cause permanent head shrinkage for the default head
10/04/2023 - Patch #22
11/06/2023 - Patch #23
10/27/2024 - Patch #24
Patch Notes
Polishing + QoL
- Frightful is now automatically added to the map menu during October
01/16/2025 - Patch #25
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Fixed a potential exploit vector with bounties
- Unified core gameplay logic amongst all the maps
- Upgraded all maps to no longer use LinkedSource scripts
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Tweaked some distorted lighting from Roblox’s lighting migration to Voxel tech
Lava Lake
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Adjusted lighting bloom
Sandbox Mode
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Adjusted lighting bloom
The Moon
Bug Fixes + Performance
- Adjusted lighting bloom