About Us
Hello Everyone! We are a small army group called South Vietnamese National Army. We are hiring devs at this moment!
Our Group: South Vietnamese National Army - Roblox
Games so far: Parade Grounds - Roblox
Pháo đài Huchu [Fort Huchu] - Roblox
Our Team
@Officer8771 - Holder
@marfit - Scripter
@ALANWAL44 - Builder
@ArdominB GFX
Your Job
You are supposed to do to make military base you have seen in military games. It will have to be finshed in 1 to 4 hours.
We are paying 7000 to 7500 R$ per asset. Our preferred payment is by group donations in our group.
You can Message me on my profile on the devforum and message me on my roblox profile
You must be 13 yrs or older.
Thanks for reading! 
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Howdy, friend. I’d like to continue further with this opportunity as the programer for this project. Here’s my portfolio, for any extra info.
Ok! You look interesting to hire with.
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Now We need at leat one more developer left to hire
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Hi , I am interested to apply as GFX artist , I offer very High Quality work/Creativity/Respectfull to others , Here is some examples :
Feel Free to contact me on Discord : Ay-Men xD#7917
Sorry, I dont use Discord though. But Im Very interested in your work!
Then Contact me On Roblox chat , Username : ArdominB
ok. I will contact you on roblox
you already sent me the request ???
ill friend you in roblox then make a chat group and then unfriend you due to my parents saying no friending strangers
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