[CLOSED] Builder Needed

I am looking for a builder to make me a realistic hospital.
The game I am working on is a Horror game, the game is similar to piggy.

You will be paid 20k Robux (Negotiable) after finishing with the hospital.
If you are interested, contact me on Discord: SelfDeclared#1876


This needs to be in the recruitment section.


I’m indeed interested, here is my discord, SharkTankLovesGaming#7316

Im interested I can’t contact via discord but i can msg u here

I can build one and have it done in the next 2 to 3 days.

I personally reccomend @bulgee He can do exactly what you need. Very good quality builds.

Hi, I’m interested in the job, I’m very good at building and I like to create games that people like. I’m interested in the job. Contact me at discord: ronald_YT # 4379

Hey I have sent you a friend request on discord in regards to the vacancy.

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