Closed for renovations… Thanks to everyone who supported me!

Free props sounds even worse, don’t have free in your title, instead put it in your payment.

Alright, I was putting it in the title to help people with their builds. Hopefully I can be of some benefit.

I am now open for high poly commissions, finished my most recent one yesterday. I can probably get a few builds done soon.

Status: :green_circle: (Open)

ALSO, maximum order for free assets is 1. You must pay the fee after that.

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Do you happen to be experienced in Blender for 3D models?

I’m not amazing at blender, but I could probably make OK assets. Depends on what is asked.

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Current Positions In queue:

1 | Paid Commissioner
2 | Open Paid spot
3 | Free Slot (Opens on August 2nd for ONE moderate detail small prop asset for 0 robux)

I’ve done a lot of builds since this topic, MONDAY will be the last day for some pictures of builds (Computer, Racetrack Shotgun).