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ResetProgress Stuido ᴿˢ

About Us

We are a studio that makes games that will reset the progress of the player. We will make new types of games, types of games already existed, and that are in demand for a new way to play it. Why did I decide to choose this path from all others? I simply chose this path, because no one says no to a more realistic experience from a game. We hope to give the best experience for the users that will adventure into our world.

The Team
Builder - @Harry_isfromsweden / @mateooarce1
Advanced Scripter - Hiring
Modeler - @WhatDoYouCallReality
GFX - @D3v_Peanut
UI/GUI Designer/Maker - @prTESTAQ
Sounds - @ShadowStarKidYT

About The Job

Currently working on an Attack on Titan game, this is just a project to get a small community to be able to release a bigger game after this.


The job will be making a life system, an economic system, such as a player gets paid after an expedition or after patrolling for 15 min. Having horses, carts, loadout for odm gear.


We are looking for a long term hire, the payment can be in R$ or in USD. The price will vary for each job depending on how big it is.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/resetprogress

Before sending a friend request reply to the post saying me your user
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

I am interested, I have added you sir/ma’am.

I’m interested! feel free to add me!
Portfolio : Zaq's portfolio


I Am Interested In The Gfx Position! Hope To Talk To You Soon!
My Discord: d3v#9984
My Portfolio: D3v | Portfolio

Have you worked for some other games?

I have worked for other people yes, And simulators too.

Add me so we can discuss more the work?

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Sent you a message on discord.

Hey! I’ve added you, my discord is marcus.#0001.

I’m interested but you said you can contact here or on Twitter but then you basically mention Discord, I don’t have Discord but I’m interested in helping, I’ve done a playerlist before (you can view it on one of my games here and I can make icons for the UI, I might be able to position it but I have been criticised before that I can’t position/size UI well in game, also technically UI Designers aren’t meant to script, thats programmer’s jobs right?). My portfolio is available at the link below.

Oh, I’m too late… just realised position was taken

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